Headset arrived

Hey all,
My 8KX arrived two days ahead of schedule! I’m just wondering if I should install pie tools and the pie Max experience software before I plug anything in. I still have to remove the old Oculus equipment and make room for the new!

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Be VERY careful about using pie tools on your new headset :pie: :hammer_and_wrench:

I unplugged the 5K+ first, updated PT to the latest one, rebooted, then plugged in the 8KX.


Thanks! This is my first Pimax headset. I installed the base stations on the walls of my studio and installed the latest Pitools. Next I’ll install the Pimax Experience software.
Hopefully I find that easier than sorting out Pitool


The latest PiTool does come with it. You just have to tick the box (still called Pimax Home from before PE was a thing):

That said, I would like to have a separate installer for PE. I’m having trouble getting it to work, and I’d like to reinstall it without it affecting PT.


I’m having a bit of trouble too. I can get to the Steam home, but my view is really blurry and canted 45 degrees to the left. The mouse doesn’t work in the steam ‘room’ (HA!) and i have no controllers.
I’ll post a need help thread.

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Here’s a good setup guide for the 8KX, takes a bit of tweaking in SteamVR, PiTool, and for your games.


I personally turn the Steam room off (and the old PiHome), they just use additional resource.

I launch everything from PiTool Games - which is required to load any app-specific profiles you set up. I will replace this with PE when it works reliably for me, so it can be done easily in VR. Otherwise you can also go to desktop with the SteamVR option, and then access PiTool + settings that way in VR. Many PiTool settings can be changed on the fly without a restart of game or SVR, so you can test things out.

If you run stuff straight from Steam then the PiTool profile settings will be ignored, so I would not do that.