Has anyone received their Kickstarter controllers?

Years ago I joined the Kickstarter for the 8k but due to delays downgraded to the 5k model. I don’t know how many years have passed. A year or so ago I got a head strap with some speakers on it and a pair of base stations.
But due to constant crashes and poor performance I put the whole thing away.

Yesterday I saw a new driver had been released so pulled it out of storage and installed it… Amazingly, the whole thing worked first time. didn’t have to tweak a thing… So then I went to get my controllers and realised the only ones I have are for my Oculus rift and I don’t have any for the Pimax.

Then I remembered I never received them… Has anyone received their kickstarter controllers yet? I certainly haven’t… I think it’s been about 4 years since I backed the kickstarter, can’t even remember now.

I do vaguely recall getting 100$ credit because I downgraded from the 8 to the 5k…and was hoping to use that money towards eye tracking or something ridiculous.

It’s all a blur, TBH.

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Sword controllera are releasee. If you backed them unfortunately you need to file a ticket confirming your address again and that you want the controllers. :man_facepalming:

@PimaxQuorra can assist you with your ticket number. Just send him a pm.

Yes, I got them a couple of months ago. Sword without Sense obviously. And - they have touch pads, no thumbsticks and are missing a button each compared to pretty much any other available VR controller.

Haven‘t used them yet, not sure I ever will. What am I supposed to do with them lacking thumbsticks & buttons? i could try to sell them, but who am I expecting to want them ? They‘ll probably end up as exhibits in my personal VR museum…

Give them a try for science there not bad. They have 56 tracking sensors vs 28 on the index.

Currently only the Index Controllers are the only. SteamVR tracked controllers with extra inputs. Even HTC whom should have been able to easily improve there vive wands v2 didn’t do what should have been easy to add buttons and or swap the trackpad for a stick.

Prior to pimax releasing sword you had 3 SteamVR choices

Vive wands v1/v2
Logitech VR pen(overpriced vive wand parity)
Index Controllers

Up until @Lucivr project creating an open knuckles drivers other ppl trying to make a knucklea like controller for steamvr tracking have not been successful.

Yes there are other non SteamVR controllers with Game support but in the early days HTC with the Cosmos had to add a vive wand emu til devs added support.

Valve has recently made a statement that they are working on improving this. So we might see more 3rdparty options come like it did with standard gaming devices like game pads.

Buy the Index controllers. They’re available separately, and they are the best controllers on the market.

Pimax’s sword controllers are unfortunately based off of the control scheme from the largely obsolete Vive wands. Lacking thumbsticks and “B” buttons, they have no place on the market. And as far as I can tell, they are DOA. Virtually no one actually uses them except apparently for Heliosurge who seems to be the lone voice that sings their praises.

Other controllers are able to be used with SteamVR, however. The vast majority of VR controllers in use in the world today are either Oculus/Meta Touch controllers or Valve Index controllers. All of these have dual thumbsticks and A and B buttons, and most modern VR games expect this layout. The control inputs that the Vive wands don’t have are not “extra”, and if you don’t have them, you will be at a meaningful disadvantage and have difficulties playing many VR games.

That’s not just theoretical, by the way. Everyone I know that has had to use Vive wands has had these difficulties with their limited control layout. Each of them moved to the Index controllers as soon as they could and were delighted with the improvement and didn’t have control problems anymore.

Those are not SteamVR controllers and in the early days like mentioned with the Cosmos controllers initially had to have a Vive wand mapped til more devs added support for 3rdparty headset controllers. As WMR, HTC cam controllers share parity in design and basic tracking type. Today these work without waiting for support. Even the Index controllers used a fall back for older games/programs that initially did not have Index support yet.

So as I stated at present for SteamVR tracked controllers there is not many options and so far no Index like clones that feature Joysticks and extra buttons. To which in theory HTC could have made small changes even if only adding 1 single extra button and didn’t.

Even the SteamVR Razer Hydrs driver still only emulates a vive wand even though it has 8 buttons. 5 around the Stick, shoulder button, trigger and joystick button. 1 button has to be held to make joystick simulate a Trackpad.

If you search Controller for OpenVR they are posts on how difficult it has to make a controller driver that supports extra buttons and Joysticks.

Games are still usually coded to include wabd support even HL:Alyx


@Lucivr project looks to be the first to succeed in creating an Open Knuckles driver.

Even the LG Ultragear was slated to have vive like wands. But never released.


The Sword controllers are released.

If you’ve backed it during the KS campaign, please check your inbox, as I required the personal info to do the verification before our team can schedule the shipment.


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