Half-Life: Alyx Announcement Trailer

@PimaxUSA or @SweViver should clarify this.
Will this game work in Pimax? They have talk with Valve about this?
I dont see any reference of Pimax.


Pimax not listed here:

This is the result of the failure of Pimax to do proper marketing, PR and customer support and properly taking care of their backers and customers, resulting in a tarnished image and Valve being unwilling to recommend them on the list of compatible headsets for the biggest VR game announcement ever.

Think of how big of a boost they would have got if they were listed there. But no … marketing/pr always will come later


Pimax isn’t listed anywhere officially with Valve, despite statements on the Pimax end that they work “closely” with them.

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I know, I know. Not listed.


Closely with or Closed by?

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Official partnerships can exist with a rule not to mention all names in the parties, for competition or other reasons.

Eg I work for a small broadcasting company but often we have to the put the name of the large sports body or broadcaster on the website or app etc, because they don’t want people to know that their stuff is actually built by a little company etc etc

So I could believe that Valve and PImax have a partnership, but Pimax agreed that Valve won’t officially namecheck them in documentation etc. I don’t know if that’s the case, just a possibility

A set of Source 2 tools for building new environments will ship with the game, enabling any player to build and contribute new environments for the community to enjoy. Hammer, Valve’s level authoring tool, has been updated with all of the game’s virtual reality gameplay tools and components.

So its gona be back to map making for me, been a long time since I have done that :money_mouth_face::sunglasses:

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Right, because it would sure suck for them to be listed on a major release’s “compatibility list”. I’m sure that would mess with sales.

They even list Oculus, their direct competitor… but not Pimax

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They’re competitors but in different ecosystems. Valve don’t really want people to buy a Pimax instead of an Index, they’re fighting for the same SteamVR space

Vive is also SteamVR

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Even Quest with the new Link cable.


Yep happens all the time. I wondered on many occasions for the small companies I’ve worked for why they lose all the major publicity for stuff on national news etc without anyone knowing their contribution and surely it affects their sales. And yes, to an extent, but other businesses who want those skills can find out who really built what :slight_smile: Just part of contracts and PR

In this case, it might be case of “OK we’ll let you produce a rival SteamVR system and provide some assistance [more users on SteamVR is better than on Oculus], but the rule is that Index and Vive are the only official ones”

And PImax, being small, might just have to say OK and suck it up to get what support they do from Valve.

Valve helped a lot with the Vive I believe, before using that knowledge to create the Index

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Not necessarily. Steam might scan your hardware and automatically add the game to your library if it finds the Index controllers. I’m not sure how likely that is.

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That situation sounds plausible and would explain a lot. I look forward to someday hearing from Pimax again on this and many other matters.

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Expect a week of silence regarding getting Half-Life: Alyx free for people who bought Index controllers through Pimax. (Just kidding, I don’t think it would really take that long!)

Yeah maybe, but being legal and contractual it’s exactly the kind of stuff that companies don’t like talking about too much in public.

You can already see that Pimax are quite careful about what they say about 3rd party partners and suppliers, they have to be

That has it’s own issues, Unlikely to be viable as controllers can be connected to multiple pc’s, certainly not automated, but could be part of a method of proof, but then pitool has the controllers… uh oh… :slight_smile: