Gyroscope variations/drift

After a few minutes when a play Pcars the gyroscope changes the position and i have to turn my head to the left in order to look in front of me.

Same thing in the steam vr room. If i shake my head the gyroscope fails to keep the original position always in the same direction and at the end i’m not anymore in front of the black arrows. I turn without turning.

It seems to be an hardware failure.
It is like that on all headsets?

On my headset, working perfectly

Ok thanks, i think that i will have to return it and ask for a new one.

I got razer hydra controllers also, and i was able to play some games like The Lab, or Rec Room,

Experience is great, but too much cables with headset + controllers, and keep in mind it have 1 base station which means if you move arround (left/right) you must re-position controllers every time.

Ordered Leap Motion btw, i hope so that will fix all problems (cuz it doesnt have any cables), and it’s placed on vr headset, so u can move left right position of hands will be same and good, i guess.

It’s not for head tracking.
I can’t make any race with it, after the first lap i have a 5° variation, after the second 10°, and before the end of the race i get a torticoli. lol

I hope that i will not get an issue with the return.

Try facing north when playing, it could help with drift.

Lol, actually i’m exactly facing south.

Same issue their … some fixes enable?

Perhaps i have found the reason why it acts like that.
I have to make tests.

No i don’t know where it comes from. I thought that it could have been the vibrations and shocks of the wheel thru my arms which affect the gyro, but i’m not sure.

i have same problem. i have set project cars center view button in my wheel and i recenter it in long straights.

I’m getting this as well, when using a controller I find I’m looking in a completely different direction when I take off the VR headset, when using the keyboard I’m having to reset it every 10 minutes.

Very annoying.