Getting a slight buzzing noise at my computer USB ports

with 8kx and a newly built PC I get a slight buzzing noise at the usb ports on the pc when the headset comes on and base stations are on. Turn the headset off and it goes off. ANyone else? suggestions to fix?
Asus ROG strix x570E wifi II ATX board
AMD 5900X
Asus ROG Strix RTX 3090 OC 24G

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Did you try to switch to other USB ports?


yup. Doesnt Pimax have some new fiber cable?


We do have the fiber optic cable in stock, but there isn’t any new series of it.

So you already have a optical cable ?
never hab such problems with it.
does the other devices you have make such a stuff too ?

no I dont not have the optical cable. I thought that misght be a solution but it doesnt seem to be sold in the US??? My current cable is what came with the unit. 2- USB and one display port on the end. I have ordered a seperate USB card to see if that is the problem.

just talk to the pimax guys, they send you one over, support was awsome on my end !

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