FYI: Seems like Pimax is not having a list of the serial numbers

I had asked Pimax support for the serial number of MY 5k+ that was stolen. Just to proove that if it will be found or offered on ebay that it is my device.

I asked: Do you have a list which serial number goes to which backer number ?

The answer was:
…since we did not record the serial number of each machine, we cannot provide you that.

:astonished: WTF ?


Ouch, sorry to hear this!

Damn that’s not good at all…
Pimax should really keep track of the S/N associated with tracking numbers.
Now I’m not sure how they would be able to do that if the shipping is managed by a 3rd party.

@deletedpimaxrep1 could you get more informations about that ? There will certainly be other shipments getting “lost”, better being prepared to face such situations.


IMO, the big “Pimax” logo on the outer package looks like a hint for a thiefs.


Pretty much no other VR company does this and neither do the vast majority of retailers, pimax are shipping in bulk to certain countries and then a 3rd party is splitting it down and forwarding it on to end users, you aren’t going to be able to get a 3rd party box shifter to record serial numbers.

Its unfortunate that someone possibly had their headset stolen, but authorising a courier to leave a high value item on the doorstep is not exactly pimax’s fault. Its between that person and the courier now (or possibly their home insurer)


I indeed don’t expect they can do that for china>warehouse (a travel where they endorse the responsability of any lost items), but maybe they could do it for warehouse>end user ?

Now I agree other companies won’t do that neither. When I receive some stuff for beta testing the company I’m doing that for don’t know the S/N of the beta unit they have sent to me.

Indeed, pimax should be recording serials for warranty processing… How will they know how old the unit is if it’s been resold?


they can and will be recording serial numbers produced on a given day - often the date of manufacture is encoded in to the serial number itself anyway - but they aren’t then recording which serial number gets sent to which backer - which is completely normal for electronics manufacturing / retail

as far as warranty for resold units, most manufacturers don’t warranty 2nd hand sales anyway, if you mean resold through an official reseller then as I said, date of manufacture is encoded in the serial, and someone buying through a retailer will have a proof of purchase showing the date of purchase (which is what warranty would go off in the case of an official resale)

I’m so happy to announce: The parcel has been found !

The stupid DPD parcel delivery guy had put it into my compost bin instead of my parcel box !
I wanted to push the bin to the road for collecting today and looked inside: There was my Pimax. :astonished:

Yeah, finally I have it in my hands. :grinning:

I will make a new thread soon for my first impressions.


Grats, man! That’s funny )


Wow, the is too funny - but congrats on finding it. Thank goodness you looked in there in time!


Oh god! I can’t imagine the hurt you must have been going through while your Pimax was sitting just a few meters away all this time :joy:

Glad you found it!


Thanks. Yep I thought I had lost all my money and waited nearly a year for nothing… :relaxed:


Wow, maybe the delivery guy was just making a comment of what he thought of Pimax!


You could have handled all of this through email and avoided making Pimax look bad. It was not even them at fault. No apology necessary.

Pay no attention to the dicks here telling you that could have handled it differently. So your emotions got the best of you…BFD! Especially when you have $1K worth of merch in limbo. Its not the first time and definatly wont be the last Pimax will be called out in a forum. Glad you found it brother

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that tiny moment when you nearly thrown away your beloved pimax

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Come on this is so… funny^^

I wish I was there to see your face when you have found your pimax in the compost bin, loooool^^

Nice to hear there was a happy end to your story :slight_smile:


That’s is great news and funny as hell.

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This happened to me with a graphics card. Luckily I have CCTV and watched it back. Watched the delivery guy drop the box over the back garden high fence in pouring rain. It fell behind a bush I’d not have noticed it.

You’re so lucky that you even looked inside! Imagine it going off to the tip…Grouch from Sesame Street could have been playing it at your expense!