Full 8k backer base station question

Can anyone clear up this for me. I pledged for the 8k full package which included the Pimax lighthouse tracking. I’ve decided to swap to the 5k plus and see I should get a $100 credit to use towards other Pimax things. Will I get a Pimax base station in due course as this was a part of the 8k full package?

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Controllers for backers are supposed to ship in April. I’m assuming that lighthouses should ship then too but I have heard no official word on the lighthouses.

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Pimax are dependent on Valve for the lighthouses, as they produce them, so there is still some uncertainty about those.

EDIT: By this, I only mean the timing, rather than if you will get them at all…

You should receive all the same extras. All you’ve changed is which headset you’ll get.

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