I have a faulty cable for my Pimax 4k. I rerooted a hdmi cable really not comfortably. Been waiting for VR for over 20 years, so thought of my options.
Could get my gear vr usb fixed but then it was the old problem of heat, charge and terrible wifi.
My only option in South Africa was the Playstation vr with a 2 year warrenty. I thought you would like to know the differences, as I couldn’t find real infomation about it.
First boot of Steam vr, I thought I just wasted R6500.00. The image was terrible, tinckering in the Trinus vr software IPD very little change. Thought to try my short sighted glasses and bam, super clear.
Pimax was amazing while it worked. I still plan to do a proper fix.
Screen clarity is on part with Pimax, as is the screen door effect (Pimax a zigzag zag of pixels, psvr a lot of evenly placed tiny dots). Clarity is great on Pimax but I leaped for the oled.
Brightness hmm. It has it. Dark scenes are more visable but was hoping it would pop, being comparable with my tv. It meets my tv and pimax half way. The leap was no where near what I was hoping but clarity is on par. Performance of the Trinus Psvr software again about the same. Some instances better, most equal.
Tracking works well, next to no drift, Positional needs a Web cam which is lost to the Sands of time, would need to upgrade.
Ghosting is mainly gone but stutters in some titles cause a similar Ghosting effect as pimax. Other times heaven.
120hz is possible and noticeable but it’seems a choice of Dynamic super resolution or high refresh rate. I stuck with refresh.
If I had to make a choice now of the 2. Pimax and funds or Psvr and brightness. It would be Pimax and funds for simplicity of 2 cables portable with laptops, sky mask way and software.
Now that my option is the Psvr, Stoked would be the word and vr in general super stoked.
Hey, I’m also from South Africa and bought a Pimax 4K for university project, if you love VR as I do, sell your PSVR with your Pimax and Gear VR and just buy the Oculus rift, you can buy it in South Africa, where I also bought mine, if you sell all those headsets you should almost have enough for the oculus rift - you can buy it here -
Rad, Thanks man.
I was really hoping to go for the Oculus Rift but thought I’d stick to a big support product (for fault issues if the ever arrive). Tried the Oculus Dev kit 2 and was impressed, could just imagine the final product.