Frame Rate Tests Using Eye Tracker and Leap Motion Controller together on 5K+ and 5K XR

Today I did find the time to test what happens if the eye tracker and the Leap Motion Controller are both connected at the same time. I did this test using the Leap Motion controller as a order to find out what is to be expected when the hand tracking module will be avaiable. My hand tracking unit is scheduled to arrvive on November 4th. Once I get get my hands on it I will update these findings.

Results on 5K+ (SN 202):
You can connect both add-ons to the headset without issues. I’m using the AMCAP tool and the Leap Motion Visualizer to measure the frame rates. It’s important to activate the devices in the right order.
First the eye tracker needs to be started then the Leap Motion Controller. If done the other way around the Leapmotion Controller will consume most of the bandwith available so that the eye tracker has not enough left to even start working correctly. In this configuration the eye tracker runs at 640x480@30 Hz. The Leap Motion controller will run at about 80 Hz. This is about 30 Hz less than if it runs alone.

Results on 5K XR:
On my 5K XR I had no success connecting either of the devices. Both devices were powered, however on the Eye Tracker only one of the two infrared LED strips was lit and on the Leap Motion Controller non of the three infrared LEDs were lit. It seems to be a firmware and not a power issue since the devices were not even correctly initialized when connected to a powered USB 3.0 Hub connected to the lower USB-C port of the HMD. When connecting the USB 3.0 hub directly to my PC both devices operated at maximum speed (eye tracker at 640x480@120 Hz and Leap Motion Controller at 110 Hz).

Regarding the cable that came with the eye tracker I can confirm that mine was not an USB 3.0 capable cable (I did try all possible plug orientations on the USB port of the 2080 Ti). It’s an USB 2.0 cable which is hard to believe since this cable is mainly for the 8KX with its USB 3.0 port (firmware fix availability assumed).


Is it stable with using LH tracking at the same time?

Yes. The USB 3.0 connection for the controllers does not interfere with the USB 2.0 bandwith exactly as the spec of the USB hub chip promises.


Olay but was referring to your 5k+ test as the 5k+ only has Usb 2 no usb 3 function.


You might remember my analysis when USB gate happend:
It has four downstream USB 3.0 ports and three additional USB 2.0 ports. The USB5537B supports legacy USB speeds through its USB 2.0 hub controller. The new SuperSpeed hub
controller (available on 4 of the 7 ports) operates in parallel with the USB 2.0 controller, so the 5 Gbps
SuperSpeed data transfers are not affected by the slower USB 2.0 traffic. So the external connectors on the headset seam to be connected to the USB 2.0 ports of the controller. The watchman dongles for the motion controllers and the IMUs use the USB 3.0 ports. Audio uses USB 2.0 port (microphone and headphone).


Pimax already confirmed only the 8kX is usb3. The cable on 8k and 5k+ is only a usb2 cable.

The 8kX has the Usb5537B chip. Where as the 5k\8k only has an earlier version of this chip which is only usb2 think it might have been iirc Usb5527B.

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