fpsVR IPD Offset doesn't actually change from 63.0mm?

Hi again everyone!

I tried this IPD adjustment that I saw a while back because steamVR is always seeing 63.0mm IPD according to what fpsVR says.

So I just tried adjusting the default 63.0mm IPD through fpsVR’s IPD Offset menu, but i noticed that after i restart steamVR with an offset of +3.0mm for example, it goes from 63.0mm+3.0mm offset = 67.0mm, but after you leave it that way and restart steamVR and open fpsVR back up, the IPD result is back to 63.0 and shows 60.0mm + 3.0mm offset = 63.0mm

It’s as if it’s trying to stay 63.0mm no matter what - any ideas?

It sounds like some sort of bug. Either it is misreporting the setting (later) or it’s getting reset to the default. Unfortunately, I don’t have any suggestions.

I asked the fpsvr-dev on the steam discussion forums about not seeing any world scale changes after adjusting the ipd in fpsvr. He thought maybe the fact that pitool has a ipd-setting could have something to do with it. He doesn’t have a pimax headset so difficult for him to check I think. That said, I don’t see world scale changes when adjusting software or hardware ipd any which way I try it. The Bly thing is the new world scale setting in steamvr. That works.

The fpsvr dev seems pretty on the steamvr forum. I’d report and ask there.


Yes but world scale and IPD are 2 different settings - but i guess they do work slightly hand in hand?

But after you make the offset in fpsVR, restart steamVR, what happens when you go back into the fpsVR menu?
Does it change back to 63.0mm like mine does for the resulting value?

I’m on steamvr beta. Tried this yesterday. I get some kind of error when restarting steamvr from fpsvr and steamvr shuts down.

Anyway, I tried to reduce ipd from 63 to 61. Now after crashing steamvr and restarting it suddenly said ± 0, but ipd was 61 and that was the default value as well. Trying to adjust it back again suddenly ipd was 65 and also as default.

Clearly not working like intended.

This is confirmed broken. I had the error come up also. Its because of the world scale update on steamVR - i believe. So you can no longer adjust IPD in fpsVR

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