Found a relatively positive Pimax 8K review writtten 20 mins ago

Here it is

If someone could copy paste please do, I can’t cause I’m on iPhone right now

They didn’t mention anything about distortion, said FOV was amazing, tracking was “fine”, and they said it’s an upgrade over the vive. Pretty positive imo


Found anotha one The Pimax 8K VR Headset Isn't Actually 8K, But It's Still Pretty Cool | Digital Trends

There are loads of these reviews and hands ons on twitter. Type in twitter Pimax and you’ll see many


Do I tell the Whambulance to turn around? lol :laughing:

But we might be a NA reseller for Pimax

Thanks for posting, but as a general rule, I would take the words of people who will profit from a review with a lot of salt.
It is good to hear some positive reviews though.

I think he meant they would ask to be a reseller because they believe in the product. Not that Pimax has offered it.
Shops generally won’t buy stock of expensive niche products that they don’t think will sell, because that’s a financial liability for the shop.
But I guess I could be mistaken.

thanks, that is encouraging

Post in another topic by jamescobalt


Copy & paste:

Pimax wasn’t using the best demo. They had a coral reef that seemed like it was upscaled rather than 4k. The base unit is rad and the 200 FoV is amazing, and the best selling point. I went back and tried it with a different demo and it was much better. I don’t know why they used a demo all day with poorer visuals but they sure did.
It’s lists as “80/90 Hz” I assume it can also lock at 80 if the player prefers [no 24fps option]. There’s no screen door effect anymore. BTW for anybody who aren’t following it, it’s 2x4k, not actually 8k.
Tacking was… fine? Some people have cited tracking issues. It didn’t blow me away but I didn’t see any major issues in my multiple demos. I sort of give it a pass at CES because there is literally 8 VR lighthouses within a 15m area, I can see how it could have issues. I suspect it’s just a floor presentation issue and the occasional person walking in front of a lighthouse.
There is no audio strap option. By default it has 2 headphone jacks, for a small 4’ earbud cable on each side. They also had a prototype of their knuckles, and thy seemed great. Those might release before the official ones.
Overall it seems like a good upgrade to the vive, and if you already have the lighthouses, I suspect it’ll be better than Vive.5 because of the FoV. I’ll try to stop by and check HTC but I don’t know if I need an appointment, or if I have the clout to get one. But we might be a NA reseller for Pimax, so that’s rad.
some nerd trying it out it’s me im the nerd

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With 8 lighthouses on the show floor within 15 meters range heavy tracking issues are to be expected.

That would make sense only if others had tracking issues too…

Another one from Reddit:

I was lucky enough to try all the products at CES 2018 yesterday. Here is my review. Ive been using VR since launch and own both Oculus and Vive so I think I know my VR well enough to have a reasonable opinion…

PIMAX 8K Something weird about view, it feels like eye straining and I got weird reflections at edges of lenses. Was like wearing a cheap phone VR set for eye “weirdness”… no matter how much adjustment. Unfortunately i was very underwhelmed… Brightness was poor too. If this is what we are getting then most will be disappointed. I think I’ve just thrown away £400 tbh. Wasn’t blown away by immersion, didn’t feel like a big step up.

Also for the amount of money invested the stand was pretty poor in presentation. A black curtained affair, didn’t come across very well polished and the pc was running with side cover off as the graphics card was extremely hot. (I touched it). You would think with 15 million dollars invested they would have made more of an effort to have a better stand, better pc setups etc ready?

Only demo was “the blue”. I came away feeling sceptical about what is going to be delivered.

HTC VIVE PRO Yesterday I also tried the new htc vive on the intel stand. Not much better, yes it looks funky (great design). Yes it feels comfortable but not a great deal better than the deluxe, and yes was a bit lighter (but no different to an oculus) but I didn’t think the resolution improvements were that significant although the demo was some dark intel walkthrough (and its still tethered of-course). Not ground breaking and certainly not worth upgrading for.

INTEL WIRELESS SOLUTION I also tried the intel wireless solution on an original htc vive. Weight wise added no extra weight on top which was good. It worked fine and seems a better solution than the tpcast (no router but a transmitter so less components). The receiver has two horns looks a bit weird.

TPCAST 2.0 I then found the tpcast booth and tried the tpcast v2…What a pile of shit. They have put a smaller battery in a big plastic section that goes on top of the head (it hides some cables (apparently)and gives battery a mounted area at rear. Things heavy as fuck, i did a room with four of us in doing a multiplayer bow and arrow game which was fun but the thing just feels like a big weight on the back of the head. Certainly not worth worrying about buying if an original owner. I told her people want to see a smaller battery released for the version 1 and improved software not a version 2 that doesn’t really bring anything to the table. Version 2 maybe why they held back on supplying us a smaller battery so people think “hey cool they have integrated the battery in the head” its awful trust me… battery in the pocket is a far better experience right now.

CONCLUSIONS Came away thinking nothing has really moved VR forward in a big way this year. I cant take back my kickstarter investment but if they deliver what i saw or something close then i for one will be cashing in early on the hype and selling mine in eBay to at least get my money back. There will be plenty of people sucked in by the hype of some of these you tubers (like me) in the past. I was really disappointed tbh.