For those thinking any Pimax headset may have some lifespan

“I mean the people who stuck with the 8K are essentially owners of a discontinued product at this point.”

This accurate statement is what upsets me after trying to be supportive of Pimax over the last couple of years. I am all for Pimax moving forward and all that, but the simple fact is that I received a kickstarter backed “this is our consumer headset” in April and literally 5 months later, FIVE!! 150 days people!!!, it’s announced that it is a discontinued product. So it is literally discontinued before I even receive the components to use it!

I know the tech world moves fast, I just didn’t realize that in order to keep up, I needed to buy a new headset 2-3 times a year.


That they are not keeping this product makes sense if you consider the sh1t storms it got and in comparison there is no need for it.
Also it does not mean ( in my understanding) that you are not gone get support for it from now on, just that no more new ones are produced.

Still it would be reassuring for all to know what the guaranty policy is and will be for the products.

@Konger, @Matthew.Xu -> some more info to be on the website or some place more permanent ( in terms of finding) then the forum ?


Pimax releases new headset sku’s every couple of months. The 8kX will probably be depreciated by the end of the year at this point…


For some the the cup is always half empty isn’t it…


I don’t care about PimaxVR having short life span on models with certain panels and lens combinations…
As long as all the attachable extras fit and the FoV are the same and software support in Pitool is there the usability will remain the same.

I don’t understand why you’re upset. Your warranty is not effected and are you satisfied with the 8k or not?
It was clear pimax prefered to produce the 5k+ and the 8k was more difficult with the panels back then. The only difference now they call it 8k+ with the RGB panels are available and improved upscaler. It just wasn’t there at the time

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If it was usable, then your point would be valid and my cup would be …something I guess. It sits on a shelf.

Maybe it’s great. I can’t answer that question without a way to play games. The opening scene of Steam Home looks nice.


At any rate, my original point is still valid. My headset went from original release to discontinued in 5 months and that is worth anyone’s consideration when making a purchase.


As an owner of an 8K, I’m also disappointed. Originally, I expected the 8K to have full RGB subpixels. (I swear that Pimax promised that at some point.) I understand why it has “rainbow” subpixels, but it’s still hard to accept that this was supposed to be the flagship product and it’s already discontinued.

Still, I’ll probably order an 8KX at some point, since there is simply no other equivalent headset on the market.


Still it’s reasonable to hope the hardware will live long And prosper :vulcan_salute: and if not there is support, no matter how they decide they will solve the problems.


Yeah we get the same problem it seems with GPUs. The 8k is still a valid headset. But it doesn’t make sense to continue to manufacture. Much like with Sony & Microsoft eventually discontinue their thick consoles in favor of the Thin models.

So yes the 8kX will likely eventually see an Oled version once panels are available & then the 5kXR & 8kX oleds will have rgb oled flavors. Etc…

Opensource is indeed a great word.


But there is no point either to continue with lesser panels when there are better panels available. I understand it’s disapointing to have a much better headset this fast but i see it as part of the kickstarter gamble. Pimax isn’t deliberatly doing it, they just create in the moment without any longterm planning


Not only that but we have often seen this with cpu/gpu & a wide variety of hardware.


Yes and the chance was even higher when backing a product wich was still in development. I did calculate this would happen, so i did not only see it as a purchage but supporting the development of something special. It’s weird on one hand it’s dissapointing it’s outdated so fast on the other hand it’s exiting the development is going so fast , i lean toward the last one :slight_smile:


Yeah I think folks have gotten used to consoles & how long between new models HTC & Oculus did. consoles, HTC & Oculus all have extra sources of revenue.


Well, I can’t understand how you can’t understand that he’s disappointed. First, he has an obsolete HMD in 5 months, which he has not been able to use because the company responsible has not sent the bases and controls. Second, its second-hand sales value has fallen considerably, since it is not the same to try to sell a product that is discontinued than one that continues to be officially sold. Third, it is obvious that the 8k has been totally a prototype that the company is not proud of. Do not get tired of repeating that if there are better screens, it is normal for PIMAX to use them. There are no better screens for the Rift s or for the Index? According to your reasoning, they should change them as soon as there are better ones and discontinue the HMD in a year?


Just because HTC & Oculus kept their headsets at their og release specs for a long time. Doesn’t mean that a company shouldn’t make progressive improvements as tech becomes available.

Some enthusiasts perform full system upgrades when something new is available.

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Makes me feel a bit better about swapping for the 5K+. Now feels like a legitimate reason to upgrade. Maybe they planned it all along… I don’t know. But I have not yet pulled the trigger.

if you read my comments quote :“i understand it’s disapointing…”: so i get it don’t worry, i backed the 8k myselfI just wanted to give a broader perspective on things.
i did buy secondhand vivewands and a basestation and sell it on when i get better ones, much better then stay grumpy about it and do nothing.
About the value, how many kickstarter products keep there value? It’s a gamble, nothing is guaranteed even that the product will be finished.
The last statement, so does pimax have to artificially wait now for the 8k+? that’s nuts. To put things in perspective.Pimax is a small company at the base a small group of enthousiast engineers, they just do it because they can! The corporate side of things is growing as needed.