Hey guys! I know a lot of people have been requesting this, so I made an 1 hour eye test at my local optician today.
According to the optician and the values, I have nearly perfect vision which is slightly going +0,25 on one eye and -0,25 on the second eye. The value 0,25 is (according to the optician again) the lowest possible values of abnormality they can find, and they do not recommend me any glasses. After loads of test, they said glasses would not do any noticeable difference at all to my far/near vision or vision overall.
Im not an optician myself of course, so please judge the values on your own. I’ve been quite confident about my vision since I was a kid, and even if the testing results are not 100% perfect vision, its seems to be as close to perfect 20/20 as it could be and definitely nothing noticeable in VR.
Strangely enough, they measured my IPD to 69,5 which is not even close to the 68 (point something) I remember I had in my last test some years ago. The equipment they used this time felt very sophisticated and the whole testing phase took nearly 1 hour with lots of different machines, so I would say they cant go wrong on the numbers, including the IPD this time. Im also not surprised that the IPD value is above my previously stated 68 as I often tend to adjust the IPD value with all VR headsets more close to 69 which felt more comfortable than 68, especially on the 8K m1.
According to the optician, the IPD number is based on the 2 numbers 35,0+34,5 = 69,5 (the numbers are the distance between each eyes center point).
So yeah… judge this for yourself and use it as a reference for my upcoming testing results once the NDA is lifted (dunno when yet).
And feel free to add anything if you have some more in-depth knowledge about optics. I find this very interesting as a topic itself
if we dont know the ipd, we can’t ajust until we are comfortable ? Or its hard to ajust? I tried to change ipd with vive and rift and felt almost the same with all options. I use lenovo perfectly. I dont know why, but was never something that i had problems. maybe with m1 i will have more problems.
Mods! Quick take this down, SweViewer is doxxing… SweViewer.
Thanks for getting this done, it will be especially helpful to figure out if there is a range of positive/negative reviews being able to better track down what IPD ranges work best.
Surname = Familyname = Lammi
Name = what people call you when they say: “Hi!” = Marcin
Like this: Hi Marcin! How are you?
Marcin: I am feeling good! I have a Pimax 8K with Leap motion and IPD 69,5. I am spending hours and hours of enjoying myself with the best VR set there is available!
I recommend an oculist instead of an optician because I made two visual tests for free, one by apollo optics and one by krass optics (germany) with different results.
Yes I would definitely go ahead and check the correct IPD if I was you. And from my experience, yes its more important now.
Haha yeah sorry I mean my “name” lol… I was a little stressed when I wrote this, thanks!
Interesting! So there seems to be many different tests I guess? I dunno, I was tested with 3 different big machines (lol), some handheld stuff and also some digital and non-digital tests from distance. I have seriously no idea what measured what, but obviously it generated these numbers lol
In fact I always use to call myself “Martin” to people as its much easier to pronounce and remember My mother is Polish and Im actually born in Poland (moved to Sweden when I was 6 years old), hence my name Marcin - which is the same name as Martin, but in Poland they spell it with a “c”.
FWIW, I have been wearing glasses for almost 40 years. I have been measured IPD many times. It was not uncommon to get different values. The last time they did it (one and half year ago) they measured quite different value from what I had from previous measurement (like 15 years ago). So I asked the optician to redo it and she actually got a new value 1,5 mm more than the first one.
She was surprised too, so she redid it the third time and got something close to the second attempt and since it was in the range I expected I okayed it. But it was clear, she neither knew what was the actual error of the method she used, nor how to reproduce the measurement to get the same values (they always differed). She was using the device which looked like binoculars and I was just supposed to “whatch the lights”, so you would assume one can take the measure with this device only one way.
At the end I concluded that it would be safer to ask the optician to do at least two measurements, like with myself sitting and standing (just to vary the setup) and if it does not match take the third one.
Anyway the method I use for “self-check” is simple: take the ruler, hold it to the mirror, close one eye and with the other eye open look into its mirror reflection. Note the value on the ruler, at which you see your eye center… Then change the eyes and repeat. This way, you should be able to get the value to 1 mm precision (or to the precision of the ruler - if you can clearly see it).
It should be enough for the first shot in HMD and you can tweak it from there.