Hi. Is it possible to get Flyinside to work on Pimax.
I want to buy a flight sim like X Plane but I want to play it on my Pimax.
I know it works on oculus and vive but is it possible for it to work on the Pimax.
Hi. Is it possible to get Flyinside to work on Pimax.
I want to buy a flight sim like X Plane but I want to play it on my Pimax.
I know it works on oculus and vive but is it possible for it to work on the Pimax.
any software that works in steam will work in pimax. If you are talking about the 4k headset them you have to give up tracking, but for a flight sim you need not have tracking. The controls might be a different situation.
Hi jimh54
I have downloaded flyinsidefsx but when I launch it, I get the game on the monitor but the HAD is still in the steam room.
It is made for oculus. Is there any way to run games direct from oculus home screen
nope. you have to get the vive compatible versions. oculus game do not work in the pimax. I have not tried using revive but I don’t think that works either. Sorry for not explaining that in my answer.
Worked a treat
Hi,friend,you can import the game which you want to play in the piplay interface then open it.