Date: 27/12/2024 Issue Title: Flickering in game with 5K plus Description:
Hello, I just installed my Pimax 5K Plus, and in game it’s unplayable, the image is flickering on both eyes, but the steam overlay is perfect. (See video 1) I tried “Blocks” google’s game and on the videos it’s the steam vr home. On the computer the game looks normal so it’s not a tracking problem.
This happens 90% of the time, sometimes it’s ok. When the problem happens, when I turns the head I see some black borders like there is a buggy screen in front of me. (See video 2)
Thanks for your help.
HMD Model: 5K Plus First 3 Numbers Serial: 203 Pitool Version: HMD Firmware:
Looks like a failing cable. I would try reseating the cable into the headset, and also plug it into a different display port output on your GPU and then see if that improves it.
The firmware was outdated, and the latest is 273.
You would need to temp go to pitool Version V284 and it will tell you, you have a firmware upgrade(seen you’re outdated too on FW 269).
it will update and also give you the 144hz option too.
Then you can go back to piclient 1.35.
But yea, first try different ports or taking the cable out and putting it back in(reseating it)
For some reason I have the 144Hz mode in Pimax Play.
I tried to install pitool from Pitool Download – Pimax VR-T but the headset id not detected.
But in my case steam vr is the issue, older steam vr version works fine. I hope an update will fix the issue.
pitool V270 is outdated.
and V284 was the last one, and the one with the latest FW for our headsets.
not sure why there is still the old one on that site, even the FW is 3 versions out of date.
and yea, i am using SteamVR 2.7.4(previous version) build and have no issues.
but yea, after going to that pitool, letting it update.
i deleted it and went back to picleint 1.35