First Titan V (volta) benchmarks

“Ampere” is at this point still a rumour. But the consumer version will be indeed way cheaper than this card, which is more aimed at scientists than gamers.


So I am curious to find out what the 8k x will need to work.

Also, it seems that the Volta is not compatible with connecting it with a 2nd card. Maybe I understood wrong.

What happens is that when Pimax commented on the consumer version of Volta, they still had not changed their name to Ampere or any other name.

Pimax 5k would be a decent choice for 1080ti me thinks

Pimax 5K and 8K have exactly the same requirements as they take the same input resolution 2x 2560*1440. The latter just upscales it internally to 4K.


The upcoming vr games made through Nvidia’s VRWorks should support a new technology getting the most out of SLI. Each eye will be rendered through seperate GPU. I think buying 1080ti for now and waiting till this tech come to life then buying another 1080ti is the best option in my openion.

There is no indication whatsoever that VRSLI will be anymore successful than standard SLI.

The userbase is even smaller and bothe AMD as well as nVidia are slowly but surely getting out of the multi-GPU business as the solution simply doesn’t scale well.

In non VR games, the prevalence of deferred rendering engines causes a sever lack of performance scaling.

In VR games and the use of forward rendering engine branches, SLI’s inherent issues with latency and micro-stutter are exacerbated considerably.