First time played Wandering In Space! Geting in Level 4! That's hard but interesting!

This is the Youtuber: Indie VR first experience in Wandering In Space. He entered the level 4 floor. It is said that only 1% can enter level 6.
Now Wandering In Space is available in Steam. Wandering in Space VR on Steam


Today I tried to play this game again, after last time bluriness was destroying me. Now with 200% supersampling It was much better.
But then I found another problem; 200% ss works only on potato fov mode.

On normal fov (140deg) on Pimax 8kx + Nvidia3090, the game does not render in HMD at all. At such supersampling (ca 5200x4470pixels per eye in steamvr) I see just black screens, with partialy steamvr grid shown with erors. Game works in background, but nothing in vr.

Please try to solve that error with bigger resolutions, as with dlss (or fsr) we suppose to use a huuge supersampling, and to have pretty picture.

And please, please, please give as option to disable aa - booth taa and msaa.

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