Firmware Trouble!

Today I uninstall piplay, reinstall latest nvidia drv 372.90, and magicali im back on extend mode with picture in HMD. But I still need fw to use steamvr on 10series nvidia card. Im stuck on fw and no response from pimax, nor gearbest.
link to piplay 1.1.70 is not working, i want try it, if somebody have it
i need this file: international_1.0.0.180.dfu, how to download?
C:\Windows\piserver\pimax\piDfu\DfuSeCommand.exe - looks like fw updater (for stm microcontoler?)

Led on HMD:
red - no HDMI
green - waiting
blue - working


i cant give you personal message. If you can give me your email or skype i try to sent you FW and Update tool this evening. It was given to me by an engineer from Pimax. I think on 17:00h UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) i can sent you!

Agein i tried to edit my Post, i cant cause the option is not available! Why?

Finnaly back on
download fw:
put HMD in dfu mode:

  1. disconnect
  2. press all 3 btn (up vol/down vol/pwr)
  3. plug usb → white led
  4. release pwr btn
  5. release down vol btn
  6. release up vol btn

When in DFU mode:
C:\Windows\piserver\pimax\piDfu>DfuSeCommand.exe 0 international_1.0.0.180.dfu

Thats another Option :slight_smile: !

HMD from gearbest, i dont try it on china ver, just update from FW
pimax mode now work with steamvr. In piplay reporting fw
Looking for next fw… manual dioptia, better IPD, stable gyro,…

C:\Windows\piserver\pimax\piDfu>DfuSeCommand.exe 0 international_1.0.0.180.dfu
1 Device(s) found :
Device [1]: STM Device in DFU Mode, having [2] alternate targets
Target 00: Upgrading - Download Phase (100)…Duration: 00:00:06
Upgrade successful !
Name : Internal Flash
return OK

usb reporting like oculus DK2: VID_2833&PID_0021

Sorry, missed your post. But interesting in fw and update tool. Please send me to, thx

Sent you a mail a couple of minutes ago, it was blocked and returned. Was a rar file!

Hey Tomkin, are you german ? Can you give me some informations about the pimax 4k VR ?

Give me your email, write to you in german some things!

@Tomkin : ******** :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for your manual. I had exactly the same problem. After update to (cn) just extend mode was working. Now when I have, version changed to (us). I’m still not able to get DirectMode, but at least Pimax mode is working with OCPlugin + DirectModeOnly tools. It is enough to make SteamVR running…

The instructions for getting the Pimax 4K into firmware update mode posted in this thread are a bit incomplete in my opinion. Once you’ve connected the USB cable with all three buttons depressed, you then need to release each button in the specified order, but slowly. For example: release the power button, wait a while, release the vol down button, wait a while, release the volume up button. If you release each button too quickly, even in the correct order, you’ll just end up with a green LED and no connection suitable for firmware upload.

Perhaps not everyone will encounter this problem, but I’m sure that some will.

By the way, getting back to was the only thing that got SteamVR working for me too (I had downloaded the Chinese software version because the English link was broken, and it automatically flashed a different firmware – hopefully it wont try to do that again).

Please send me to, thank you.

can anyone share firmware file? cant find it anywhere. the new firmwares dont work for me :confused:

Like piman noted, timing is essential here. But even more specifically, you will also need to wait a while before releasing the first button, the power button !


  1. disconnect USB
  2. keep all 3 buttons pressed and connect. LED will be white
  3. Wait about 7 seconds before releasing ONLY the power button. Led will turn blue-ish green
  4. Wait again 7 seconds and release ONLY the middle button. Now the LED will start flashing like crazy.

Welcome, you’ve just entered DFU mode !

You might need this in case of a bad flash, as an emergency mode