Few questions about Pimax and Nolo

After getting Pimax 4k to work, I finally bought Nolo. (I wanted to play Google earth VR so much :P)
I managed to set up both (using Piplay 1.2.97) but there are a few puzzles and issues:

  1. When SteamVR started, the green light icons on the SteamVR panel light up for the HMD and both trackers, but only ONE base station icon out of the two light up, is it normal ?

  2. Am I supposed to see the motion trackers in front of me in VR? When in Steam Home I can see the tracker beam but not the tracker, in Google earth I can see the tracker but it is far behind me at a side. How can I correct this?

Thank you PIMAX for prompt support. An active forum is very useful indeed.

You can recenter the controllers by double clicking the systems button on each one of them, while standing in front of the base station. Maybe try that one. And yes, you have only one base station so only one icon in steamvr will be green.

Thank you. It works!
I mixed up the menu button with the system button at first.

Menu button double click – > turn 180° in-game
System button double click --> recenter controller


Depending in which game u use them, it may cause slight jitter or game menu popping up etc.

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