Fedex says that my package will be sent back to Pimax. DAM!


There are problems with my shipment!
Fedex says that my package will be sent back to Pimax.


WHY??? It is so sad!

Air waybill number 396824950194

Ohh, was da denn los? Kopfkratz…

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Die Zoll Papiere waren Falsch ausgefüllt.
Darum geht alles wieder zu Pimax zurück.

Ich könnte kotzen.

In the tracking number it says the 8KX were delivered back to Pimax. DAMM!!!

The tracking number for FedEx returns is: 811417085689

my old tracking number: 396824950194

Strange… fedex has create the customs procedure for Pimax. and now it doesn’t fit? Saftladen.