Fed Ex LOST my 8kx

Now Fed Ex is telling support my 8kx is still “awaiting fda approval” what the hell does that even mean? Why is the fda even involved??? And why has it sat in customs for 3 weeks now???

So the base I am at had its wifi cut and cell towers damaged so I have literally been disconnected from the entire world for the past 10 days or so. Well I’m finally back and it looks like in the time I was away Fed Ex was able to deliver my 8kx and my friend watching my house has safely put it in the living room for when I return! You have no idea what a relief it is not having to worry about it. The only concern I have left is I won’t be able to inspect it until February so if it is damaged or doesn’t work I hope there won’t be any issues getting it fixed. I also hope getting new hinges and a thin face pad will still be possible since I know it probably doesn’t have any.


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