[Feature Request] Reset/override (all) profiles from current/common/custom settings

Not sure why but somehow at first run of PVRE the FOV was set to small (I think it was after changing refresh rate) and all my profiles are now set to small FOV.

Would it be possible to make a “reset all profiles” feature or maybe add the possibility to override/reset specific options only (for example brightness/contrast/FOV)?

It could be done by selecting options (using checkmarks) and their value from a “reset profiles” window/tab.

For me, it would make sense to apply some options globally, but not all… :upside_down_face:

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Hmm… at first run, PE runs on the profile that Pimax last used as a “active” profile (reported from the headset upon init). If that profile cant be found (which it should), it runs the Common Setting.json. If that one doesn’t exist, it creates it either way. Are you sure your Common Setting profile wanst set to Small FOV? And what headset are you running?

The reset per-setting globally is a VERY good idea. I will add that this week!


It most likely was as I think I had just switched refresh rate… :wink:

Oh, and it’s a 5K+ (a little while longer until the X arrives!)… :slight_smile:

Nice! :+1::cup_with_straw::wink:

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