Eyetracking Module Woes

I finally decided to install the ET module on my 8KX. I was waiting for the user base to work out the kinks.

I’m disappointed.

  1. I carefully followed all the instructions to install and it just seems that the eye pieces are flimsy and don’t sit in the headset firmly. They are easily displaced and they just don’t seem to be firmly in place.

  2. I was able to do the calibration once after many trials - the 2 green dots will disappear and then the calibration halts.

  3. The eye tracking is woefully inaccurate. Even after I was able to complete the calibration once, the test pattern that follows my eyes hits two, maybe three of the targets accurately.

  4. When DFR is active, the center focus of the hi rez image swims all over the place. Probably due to #3 above.

  5. In some games (SkyrimVR and Elite Dangerous) the right eye of the 8KX is completely low res - it doesn’t even have an area of the image that’s hi rez.

Very bummed about this.


Do you get the same issue with FFR? if so, it’s unrelated to the eye tracking and the game engine just doesnt work right with driver level MRS

edit to add: for your other problems with the reliability or accuracy of the actual tracking try experimenting with eye relief (distance from your eyes to the glass), you may have to be further back than you expect which comes with its own resentment as it results in the loss of even more fov than slotting in the eye tracker in the first place.

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I’ve read that other users have gotten Skyrim to work with DFR so not sure how to answer this. But you’re right - Elite Dangerous does have an inherent issue with FFR/DFR.

In some games you just can not bump big amount of pixels, they either stop working, one screen gets black/blurry, or something else. That is just old/bad game code. Reduce your resolution, and see then if ffr/dfr works.
For better test try several games.

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Actually some very old games like the Forest can have a massive benefit. It seems incredibly unoptimized and gained massively in our tests DFR.

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@PimaxUSA unfortunately you are the only one with a 100% working hmd and modules. best regards


Actually, it work for me. The only issues are the 60Hz to slow and when you close one eye for aiming, the device loose the spot and everything became blurry. I ve only test with half life alyx for the moment

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which eye is tracked. Left Right?

Whatever eye I close, the module loose the spot.
It work well with the 2 eyes open. But only at 60 Hz


I have all these same issues and was the reason I removed the eye tracker and put it back in its box. In its current state I maintain it was a complate waste of money.


We are still waiting for the improvements with the eyetracking that Pimax promised. When will it work without delay? I tried it in my 5k+ and it was tooooo slow. I’m waiting for installing it in my 8kx when the software is optimized. What is the current status?

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The latest version has numerous improvements and is the version discussed.

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I installed the latest version and I get the same results after doing the calibration - it’s just terribly inaccurate.

I tried moving the headset further away from my face but it doesn’t seem to help as others suggested.

I confirmed using the steps for AmCap that the module is indeed connected at USB 3 speeds.

Is there any progress being made on improvements?

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You might want to experiment with resolution and refresh but that is the set of improvements we have been working on. A number of factors affect it like eye color, pupil size, how distinct the border between the pupil and iris are and more.

So clearly there are physical scenario use cases that are much harder for 7invensun to tackle than others.

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I’ll try not to take that personally Kevin. I have beautiful eyes. :rofl:

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:slight_smile: You might try testing with different resolutions even if it affects the refresh.

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There is no software and firmware available for USB2 yet. We are in an unstable and imprecise environment. And requires a USB3.0 cable.

I have no way of knowing what efforts Pimax and 7invensun are making, but we are not getting any results.

Will there ever be a day when this trash that we paid over $100 to get will be a treasure?


I’m trying to understand what this means?

I’m able to use the eye tracking module using the supplied short cable (angled in one end, straight in the other)? Just like I was able to use it with the previous version of aSeeVR.

Do You mean it isn’t running at full speed with the supplied cable or that it doesn’t work at all for You unless You use a dedicated (USB3.0) cable?

Thing is, there’s no difference for me when testing with the short one and using a separate USB3.0 cable (when I’m checking the frequencies in AMCap).

What am I missing here?

These are the frequencies at given resolutions I’m seeing in AMCap no matter which cable I’m using:

  • 120x240 @ 120Hz
  • 320x240 @ 120Hz
  • 320x480 @ 60Hz
  • 480x640 @ 30Hz
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It does not require a usb 3.0 cable to operate if that is what you are saying.

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