Eye tracking calibration from withing PE

Hi @SweViver and @arminelec:wink:

Not sure if anyone of You are actually using the eye tracking module, but I’ve found that I have to re-run the calibration quite often (I’m sure it’ll be fixed down the line) and I thought that it might be a useful “built-in” in PE? :slight_smile:

I know I can just add it manually but I was thinking You might want that to be easily available for people… :wink:

The calibration tool is executed by running this exe:

Maybe an icon up on top where the reset view icon is could be an idea? And You could make it visible only if the eye tracking module is detected maybe?

Oh, and if aSeeVR isn’t started in PiTool You could also make an option to automatically start that maybe?

I know it can be done using the new desktop view (which is really nice!), but it would be slick if it just started either upon starting PiTool or PE… :wink:

Another thing I noticed when trying to run the calibration by right-clicking the tray icon was that it seems to be impossible to right-click? (that’s why I found the full path to the calibration tool and was going to add it as a launcher instead)… :wink:

Keep up the amazing work, guys! :slight_smile: