Experiment suggestion

From the ces, I found that someone can’t focus when he looking at the object closed to the eye although he try to set the IPD.

From my experience which test the wearaity and mojing s1.

Although the image of wearality is clearer and has less sde because the distance between display and lenses of wearality is longer.

But I found the same problem about reading text in the closed board in the game.

I think that I still setting wrong IPD for my headset, but it is not easy when I have to control about distortion.

We know that the wearlity and mojing s1 can’t be adjust the IPD by hardware. But mojing s1 can move in and move out the display. Although I have the normal eye, but this function is helping me. Sometimes when I use the wearality, I try to hold the glasses and lift out from my face for a little distance and I see the image clearer.

Although a lot of person don’t wearing the glasses, but they have different focal length. You can’t know these value from the exhibition, so pimax have to note all value from all tester. I think may v5 have wrong focal length of lenses. This is not easily because it may effect to the SDE. In the old exhibition, you only know what people want any function. But after this time, you have to note more about eye value of tester and their results, not collect only feedback.

p.s. sorry for some wrong grammar, english is not my native language.

other useful source : sitesinvr.com can make the best qr for cardboard, try to check.
wearality has a new lenses and tell that the new lenses can make 180 degree for mobile, it still not launch, but may get some any useful info from them.


Some review in reddit tell that they get reflection at the edge.

May take people to check by closing one eye to look that what the display make the reflection.

In other headset, this relection come from the center of display, when the image is overlap, this reflection will move to the edge instead.

Pimax 8k has big screen and should not found problem like this, but still should try to investigate by this technic.

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