The headset can´t be found.
the system is choking and stuttering. caused by the pimax selvice that runs and runs… pi server.exe propably
i don´t understand why i cant kill it from the task manager, the fucker keeps rocking back.
and third piplay said i should update my gpu…what should i get another Titanx(pascal) i think not.
got it working after many uninstalls and installs.
I dont know what was the thing that made everything work.
last time i did REMOVE the rules my virus software had made for program specific trafic for the pi server ect.
i did manually try to change them but earlier it did not help so last time i just removed them
Piservicestarter.exe (re-)starts the Piservice.exe which in turn (re-)starts piserver.exe. So if you want to kill piserver, make sure you first kill the piservicestarter, then the piservice and then the piserver.
In order for SteamVR to work you only need piserver.exe to be active. But if you want piplay to function then you also need piservice.exe to be active.
i uninstalled all as im wating for my new lenses.
thanks for the tip