Euro & American Truck Simulator from SCS - discussion & optimizations

Just opening this new thread here because it got a bit off-topic in the 8K-X category :wink:

Okay, tried, drove from Pueblo to Burlington.

Personal impression:

  1. FPS didnā€™t increase significantly, at least not that I could see it, barely measurable:

    => Still having down to 30 in crowded and traffic city areas.

Just for comparison: Here is a FPS monitor of a transport from Grand Junction to Denver and further on to Colorado Springs three days ago with HDR on (but SMAA only ā€œlowā€ instead of ā€œmediumā€ since yesterday):

=> almost the same FPS level

  1. With regard to brightness, contrast and colours: When starting, I had clear blue sky and sunshine, and your suggested settings are way too dim for me. After having made a U-turn with my truck, I directly switched back
    brightness to ā€œ0ā€;
    contrast to ā€œ2ā€;
    and backlight to ā€œ80ā€ on-the-fly in PiTool.
    But HDR still off.

Dawn/dusk and night-time are okay, nothing to complain about.
But even with backlight up to ā€œ90ā€, daytime still lacks quite a noticeable bit of real daylight imho.
Okay - right now in Autumn, I have applied Grimes Early-Autumn-mod, which makes the whole lighting a little duller - but even in Autumn, when the sun is shining, days in reality are brighter than they are in ATS with HDR off. Not to mention if I go down to backlight ā€œ45ā€ as you suggested - I would need headlights whole day long :wink:

Strange to say, that all in-game menus look much brighter with your setting than the rest of the gameā€¦ :thinking: :frowning: So normally, after having started the game and having been in the menu, I would have expected a far better result. But ā€¦ wellā€¦ it isnā€™tā€¦ I havenā€™t installed any other graphics mods than Realistic Graphic Mods, Grimes Early Autumn and Grimes Darker Nights, so ā€¦ :man_shrugging:
Which reminds meā€¦ : If we are talking about Grimes Season Mods, it generally might be worth a try to disable that mod. But even if everything looked more natural then with HDR OFF, I would lack all four seasons, which would be quite a pity, too.

So, I think, for the moment, Iā€™ll stick with my former settings and HDR onā€¦

Hopefully, SCS is reading some of our and other discussions about VR in their games as well and will implement some ingame brightness, contrast and gamma sliders for VR; the existing brightness slider only works for flat monitor gaming.

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The only environmental mod I use is the Realistic Graphics Mod, I tried the autumn mod, but it has very sad tones, I love vivid and bright scenes. A little bit better the spring one, I like all the flowers it adds, but in the end I get the best visual result using only the Realistic Graphics Mod

The Realistic Graphics Mod has very bright tonesā€¦

Itā€™s very surprising that you donā€™t get a strong FPS increase by disabling HDR, I have more than 15 fps of gain with 2080Ti, and itā€™s a common idea also on Reddit that HDR is computationally very heavy (I didnā€™t look though if it weighs on CPU or GPU).

Tested in game with fpsVR

Which CPU / GPU are you using?

What settings on PiTool and SteamVR?

Iā€™m using quality 1 on PiTool with 100% on SteamVR

I have done the most of the tests in the new DLC Colorado ( awesome)

Ok, so it might be that Grimes Autumn overrides the brighter tones of Freaknā€™s mod.
But generally, I like the seasonal atmosphere Grimes mods create. And with HDR on, I think, the tone fits as well very good. And especially with 8K-X backlight now :wink:
BTW: I have put Bloom to ā€œ0.0ā€ in ATS config-file - I cannot endure the gameā€™s default bloom.

CPU: Ryzen 5 2600X, stock, non-OC
RAM: DDR4-3200, @3200 MHz, non-OC
GPU: Gigabyte 2080 Ti Gaming OC, slightly UV/OC 1905 MHz @0.931V, running in-game after some time when ā€œhotā€ (65-72Ā°) constantly @1860 MHz

PiTool: 1.0
SteamVR-SS: 100%

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I just did another driving and monitored the FPS with MSI Afterburner:

As you can see, in the desert from Albuquerque to Farmington, I am very close to 70-75 FPS. The more it gets towards Colorado, the lower they get.
But from driving side it still feels largely smooth enough. It only gets a bit annoying when it goes below 30 FPS.

Furthermore, I made some more image adjustments:

After having found this thread here:
and the calibration image, I found out that my display, too, is 1 level too redish @default.

So I gave the following setting a try:
Contrast: 0
Red contrast: -1
Brightness: 0
Backlight: Increase from 80 to 90

=> I think it turns out very well. Neither does it lack any colours or contrast, nor does is it too strong and does burn any of them. Of course, contrast 0 instead of +1 is noticeable, it feels a little less vivid than +1 - on the other side it feels a little bit more realistic to me. Especially the sky sometimes turned out very blue with +1, which isnā€™t fitting for autumn allways when the sky tends to be a little bit more pale than in summer. And due to contrast =0, the HDR effects are noticeable weaker than with +1, which also feels more comfortable and realistic.

Iā€™ll see how I can adapt to this now after having played two months with increased contrast - but it seems as if activating backlight solved the main part of the former issue :+1: And a minor part is always due to the specific game itself if it isnā€™t adjusted properly to VR anyway. It would need very sensitive sliders to fit everything.

BTW, @PimaxQuorra, @SweViver, @arminelec :
During this calibration and adjustments, I found out that both, PiTool as well as Pimax Home Experience, arenā€™t applying colour-specific contrast and brightness values correctly - it seems as if it is always the specific colour tab which is open which applies its values and overrides the others as if they were all set to ā€œ0ā€. At least, it was not possible for me to put i.e. contrast to ā€œ1ā€ and afterwards, additionally, reduce only the red contrast to ā€œ-1ā€ - it always reverted the entire contrast in the HMDā€™s image back to ā€œ0ā€ although the general contrast tab still showed the ā€œ1ā€. Being in that general contrast tab again and applying that ā€œ1ā€ immediately increased the contrast again, but the image turned out much more reddish again as if it had applied that ā€œ1ā€ to the red contrast as well even if that one was still set to ā€œ-1ā€.
Might be related to beta PiTool .086 only or perhaps some general behaviour; havenā€™t tried a fall-back to .084.
Iā€™ll see how I can describe this better and post it in the appropriate category.

But to me, it seems as if colour-specific deviations in addition / on top of the general colour contrast / brightness setting needs a completely different GUI and application behaviour to work properly.


Just for comparison a FPS chart from ETS2 right now:

=> ETS2 behaves very slightly better than ATS but mainly feels a bit smoother and more constantā€¦ probably because I drove in ā€œgood old Europeā€ which is the oldest part of ETS2. I am on my third way to Instanbul, so I am expecting average going down a bit when crossing the frontier to latest DLC ā€œRoad to Black Seaā€ :wink:

Second, in ETS2 I am using ā€œFael Environmentā€ since the beginning instead of Freaknā€™s ā€œRealistic Graphic Modsā€, donā€™t know really why :laughing: So it might be, Fael is a little less demanding than Freakn.

Anyway, in total, I think we are speaking of positions after decimal point, max. 2-3 FPS.
Could run fpsVR next time additionally.

Thanks for posting the link. I hope my post was helpful in some way.

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