Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous is THE reason why I bought a Rift and why I can barely contain my excitement for the (eventual) arrival of my 8K.

Playing ED with VR, Voice Attack is an absolute necessity and I have built an extensive profile for my immersive experience.

On the subject of immersion, please forgive my shameless plug of a 3rd party text-to-speech app that I co-develop for ED, called ‘Elite Dangerous Data Interface’ (EDDI). We have a fairly good following and an active community, many who claim they can not fly without it.


If you’re so inclined, give it a try… I think you’ll like it. :slight_smile:


Thanks for co-developing EDDI. I’ve used it for so long i couldn’t play without It!


[quote=“Hoodathunk, post:41, topic:6899, full:true”]If you’re so inclined, give it a try… I think you’ll like it. :slight_smile:
[/quote]Hmm, interesting, I’ll give that a try :). I could never get on with VoiceAttack though, I appear to have one of those voices that denies all attempts at recognition, no matter how much I trained it the damn thing still can’t understand a word I say :D.

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Kripkey? -Big Bang Theory. :joy:

If only that were possible on the Rift…hate the godrays.

Come on 8K save us from the eyesore of first gen.


EDDI operates well, both as a ‘stand-alone’ and as a Voice Attack plug-in… VA is in no way required.

That said, EDDI’s utility really shines when coupled with VA.

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One of the first things i will do with my 8k is to launch Elite and (god help me happen) be amazed.

The resolution + fov SHOULD scare and awe me.


Well, if you‘re a Scotsman as your name suggests, you will not really be surprised at not getting any voice recognition, will you ? :wink:

I bought VA, some voices and then found out that my Windows system, which is set to German, will not allow me to switch voice recognition to English. Great. And barking my commands in German while Celeste & Co. respond in English is pretty much anti-climax at its peak. So I have not really implemented it further yet, which is a pity. If anybody know how to solve that issue without having to re-install Windows, let me know…

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Funny. First few weeks I had VA I had to do my Sean Connery impression to get anything done.

I have a voice pack but honestly hate how it started doing stuff on its own.
For instance telling me I’m actually approaching a target.
Gee I most have totally spaced out and cruised 300k ls here by accident.

I dropped the pack, just use my own made button binds and macros.
I also on some add a text to speech confirmation, if your windows is set for another language in sure this could work better for you.


[quote=“Axacuatl, post:48, topic:6899, full:true”]
Well, if you‘re a Scotsman as your name suggests, you will not really be surprised at not getting any voice recognition, will you ? :wink:[/quote]My father was Scottish but he emigrated to England, I’ve always lived on the south coast of England so I’m just another sassenach :grin:.


Kinda like the fad of your car saying “The door is a jar” lol

Hay Axacuatl any idea if they are shipping forcefeel 8 or if still pre production as i waiting for one of these also but not much info on production status

i managed to get ED with dlc commander pack i think it was called a wile back but abandoned as only had crappy £20 stick no throttle and un like i think alot of people here i have always gamed on console so keyboard in a vive was not an option :confused: ive seen voiceattack vids and thats going to be part my option along with hotas when finished fallout and skyrim :yum:or maybe abit of everthing

Vive user? Then try using a different microphone – one, unlike the one built into the Vive, that is better than no microphone at all. :stuck_out_tongue:

“The door isn’t a jar, it’s a door!” - Me making a punny joke all my life.

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[quote=“jojon, post:53, topic:6899, full:true”]
Vive user? Then try using a different microphone – one, unlike the one built into the Vive, that is better than no microphone at all. :stuck_out_tongue:
[/quote]I’ve tried it with my Vive, Roccat Kave and my Medusa headset, with the same results each time.

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you mean thats your not jo king what

Aw… Damn.

(“Floor ælævæn, please”)

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Have you considered a Scottish translator?:joy:


I had a friend growing up when his mom & a friend got chatty; couldn’t understsnd any of the scottish english. Lol