I have been trying to optimize my Pimax 8K X to play MS2020 and it is really painful even with my 3080ti graphic board. You can adjust here and there to earn some small FPS but I assume what mainly causes low FPS is Parallel Projection, which costs around 30% to 40% of total FPS.
So I have one question. When you use reverb G2, you will not need to turn on something like Parallel Projection so theoretically does it mean you can earn more FPS under the same rendered resolution? Does that mean with the same clearness of the picture (or the same rendered resolution of the picture), you have higher FPS under reverb G2 than Pimax 8K X?
If someone knows it, please, kindly let me know how theoretically it would look like… I will rent reverb G2 later this week to see how the real situation is…
Have you tried using Small FOV? The PP “tax” is much less, since it takes more and more pixels for each additional degree of FOV (because of the increasing angular spread).
I only have a 2080, so I’ve resigned myself to Small FOV until I can get a better video card. Still, it’s really not too bad (compared to Normal FOV). I’ve been able to get an acceptable experience in MSFS 2020 with my 8KX, so you should be able to as well.
In a nutshell, yes the G2 runs MSFS2020 smoother both because of not needing PP but even moreso because the windows mixed reality software has been optimized for MS better. Remember that it was the target platform from the very beginning. Below is a good video comparison between the two from VR Flight Sim Guy
Thank you! I am using small FOV as it runs with better performance. It looks pretty nice but I still suffer from jerky movement in the cockpit and outside image when the plane is rotating.
Very clear. Thank you very much. I will try both in this weekend and see how they are different. Basically MSFS2020 does not work well in my Pimax because of shaking cockpit.
Correct, there is no consumer HMD available with more horizontal FOV than Pimax Small.
Pimax Potato is still larger than G2 horizontally and vertically.
Using the Pimax on Potato FOV will reduce the GPU demand notably, and will be closer to the G2 experience save for the Parallel Projections requirement.
Comparing a Pimax 8KX to a G2 for performance on anything other than Potato FOV is comparing apples to oranges. If the G2 could also go wider FOV, performance would drop as the FOV increased as you’d have a higher resolution to drive.
I’m speaking it generalities here. See Risa’s database for further reference: