Does anyone else feel like they have to dumb down/simplify their English in support tickets so that Chinese staff don't misunderstand you?

My support tickets always get assigned to someone in China. Usually it’s the same person every time. And I feel like I always have to simplify and dumb down my English to minimize any misunderstanding because it seems that everyone at Pimax who answers support tickets don’t have fluent English.


Well they might need to simplify/dumb down their chinese if you were corresponding with them using a translation software. English really isn’t ideal for folks not fluent in it.

Yes it can be challenging getting support on the same page. Which is why we have Pimaxquorra as a bridge.


Why not :laughing:

If it gets the right message across.

Pimax really needs people fluent in English to manage support tickets.


or people fluent in Mandarin as customers, I mean there’s more of those than there’s English speakers.


Native speakers maybe but if it is allowed to lump Indians and Philipinos into that category, even that becomes questionable.

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I just used this one, where, I’ll grant you, Hindi numbers looks a little low.


True, there are quite a few Indians speaking English but by far not as many as I expected.
So native speakers no, but good luck conducting international business that way.
Gotta get back to learning a language that ends in ++ in meantime :).

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That’s not how business / customer service works. You use the language the customer speaks. The smallest common denominator on this planet is English. It’s also the easiest language to learn this planet offers, aside from baby-talk and grunting noises. :gorilla:


In addition, like 90% of Pimax customers speak English and Pimax has a U.S phone line. No reason why they can’t get some English speaking folks to handle some of the support tickets too.

Technically English is the one universal language in the place, given the size.

As a South Indian (but born in the UK) I’m aware there’s a different language pretty much in every state, and in the South, learning Hindi etc is more like learning French in the UK. My parents’ generation learnt Malayalam (from Kerala state), English, plus Sanskrit (like learning Latin) and Hindi.

Latin, Greek, German, and Sanskrit have a common root, and presumably a common ancestor language somewhere back in pre-history.

The South Indian languages are much older and have zero connection to Sanskrit / Hindi / other derivatives, so it’s not any easier to learn, in fact if you have a European root then you’ll understand Sanskrit faster :smile:

Anyway sorry off topic, for sure I know neither Mandarin, Cantonese, or any other dialect so I’m not getting far in China hehe


Yes there is, it was a decision made later at Pimax HQ.

There originally were plans to open support centres in the US etc under Kevin, but they were revoked. They probably didn’t like the look of the operating costs, but who knows what other factors were at play.


One has to go far back into the past to find a common ancestor for English and Mandarin - up to the root.
(Which is as far as I understand more hypothetic, if anybody has really spoken Borean then it must have been tens of thousands of years before writing was invented)
Going from English to German is relatively easy in comparison - three steps up, two steps down :slight_smile:


would also have assumed that English as a second language is > 0.5 billion. If this is true then only one out of 15 people can understand some English. Not so many. For Chinese it would be alost three out of 15.
Edit: Ok, the numbers are from 1999. Things might have changed in the last 20 years.
Edit2: According to this page English has by now slightly taken over compared to Mandarin: 1.3 vs 1.1 billion first+second language speakers. So more than double the number from 20 years ago (when the numbers from both sources are right). Still, according to these numbers, 5 out of 6 people don’t understand English.

Edit3: Wow, to see more than the first 10 entries on the ethnologue site one has to get an abo, starting at Rift S prices of $480 per year and going up to Varyo prices of $6000/year. I’m clearly not their target group…


I was born in the US. I’m in my 60 it is very hard to learn how to spell, Too,to,too why three ways to spall a word that sound the same. I feel sorry for anyone over the age of 5 that has to learn how to spell in english.

My experience with Quorra hasn’t been all that useful. Case in point is my current issue.
I ordered a new cable and a face foam on July 8. With the Pimax Store chat getting no response (ever), I asked Quorra to check about my order on the on July 18 and they replied same day “No worries site, will get the update of your replacement cable and foam.”
2 more PMs to them in the next 4 weeks went unanswered.

Phoned the US support number (+1(714) 581-9199) in California August 12. The gal I spoke to (Yoko) had thick Chinese accent but English comprehension very good and detailing the issue was easy. I suspect she was hired for her bilingual abilities to better communicate internally with China, Smart.

Aug 17 (3 business day later) Yoko emailed me as promised and had my tracking number.
Now that is following up with the customer. Highly recommend the US support line for those in the region.


This doesn’t sound like a language barrier thing. If you would have written and spoken in flawless Mandarin then I guess the outcome would still have been pretty much the same…

Good hint regarding the local support numbers though! Looks like then don’t only do the forwarding but also the reiterating-until-solved part for us :slight_smile:


I think you might mean to, too and two. They have different spellings because they have different meanings, with speaking and listening you have to infer the meaning from the context but with writing you can actually spell out, literally, the meaning just with the word itself.

Wow that’s some chart :+1:

Very interesting, so Malayalam derives from the Dravidian / Tamil-Tulu / Kannada, which I know something about, but I’ve never heard of Nostratic, which came from Borean. I’ll look further into this!

The only guy I can think of is Conan the Barbarian :grin:


Have also heard from these the first time. According to Wikipedia the upper nodes of this tree seem to be quite controversial (whether anybody has actually spoken these languages). No wonder, without any remaining artifacts from this time it’s probably more linguistic speculation based on language similarities.
Probably they ran cross translations through a zip algorithm and then came up with creative names for the yet unlabeled nodes :wink: *
*: Compression size as similarity measure (so, putting files pair-wise into zip files and looking at the compression ratios) works amazingly well. E.g. for genomes of animal species the descendence tree they got this way is pretty much exactly what biologists expected.

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