Do you have prefer this option(Switch FOV)?

Let’s talk about your idea.


If your engineers think it’s possible then YES!!

You could offer different lenses to purchace on your website!

This would make the system 100% expandable

If you can do this nobody can complain about the FOV being too big or too small



If it puts too much pressure on production then I’d rather just one option, otherwise it would definitely be cool to see higher pixel density over a slightly smaller FOV.

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I don’t think the density of pixels will change with the small fov because you will see half of the screen and so the number of pixels will remain the same.
i use google traductor

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You’re right, I meant that you can render the input signal resolution over a smaller FOV rather than upscalling it to fit the whole panel. Clearer image in theory.

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If don’t change lens and use software only, I understand that we will see more black space really?

With what @Davobkk is saying could this be done with a vr frame option to “compress” the fov of view?

Or are we talking modular lens swap kit?

Or lastly software fov switch mode/slider with range?

Though anyway options are always nice. :v::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

Isn’t pandering to this request kind of like saying FU to those who spent considerably more to back the 8k X ? Because none of this seems useful to them. I would rather Pimax focus on getting the 8k X out than stuffing about with FOV reduction.


If I personally could chose between high resolution per degree and fov I would go for ppd for most applications (as long as FOV stays above 100°). Thus such an option would be highly welcome!

Perhaps even two approaches would be imaginable - and even combinable:

a) keep the same 200° FOV lenses but only use the inwards parts of the panels to display the images. Thus the FOV would become smaller but the 3,7M possible input pixels per eye for Pimax 8k (non X) would not have to be stretched so much and thus could use close-to-native resolution of the displays. Should be doable as software only and would be the perfect solution e.g. for Virtual Desktop etc.
This would also be a good way for the 8k X to reduce stress on the GPU.

b) swappable lenses. The ultimate solution particularly for 8k X. Might also lead to better image quality(?) as less stretching would be necessary.
Perhaps 170° lenses could be a sweetspot? This would get rid of problems some approaches have when having a viewport of more than 180° and it would still be considerably wider than the 110° we usually get. Could still be combined with the software-side variant to further increase details/reduce GPU load.

Edit: This article linked from Joe at the Kickstarter comments section heads into the direction that 200° lenses are either super expensive or distorting:
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If this should really the case then please go for a lower FOV (even usual 100°-120° or something would be fine) - or at least offer the option to exchange lenses for people who prefer less distorted image quality over FOV.
P.S.: Forum thread that puts this posting in perspective - grain of salt alarm…

I agree, as a fellow 8K X backer I would REALLY like to see a demo using the device soon…

Okok95 @PimaxVR @deletedpimaxrep1 you wouldnt necessarily see less of the panel. Sweet spot, actual lens size, and magnification level could all be tailored such as to find a middle ground.

Also, its true that even if less of the display is actually seen then before, you would still have the benefit of higher pixels per inch, and higher pixels per degree (Because of having two seperate panels of 806 ppi.)

Also, if they are swappable, (as I said 1st thread,) then it does not matter, because you can swap depending on your use case. You, the customer decide. I myself would buy both sets and use both.

A set of lower FOV lenses makes the hmd more open, it will last longer. It will work better with legacy VR content, and movies/bigscreen would benefit from the added clarity.

@Matthew.Xu As i said in my other thread, this would be a great option. If the customer can switch lenses and switch distortion profile also, then you would have a versatility that other HMDs dont have.

A lower FOV (would mean higher ppd) but would also mean easier use of current rendering teqniques used to maximize resolution accross the FOV.

Things like lens matched shading and single pass stereo work best today on HMDs with a lower FOV of 110. With the option of switching between 200 and say, 120 degrees, it would make work a bit easier for you all.

Please consider this idea, if its feasible.

Also, lower FOV might help with IPD issues, better binocular overlap, etc. Versatility is the key point.

It also might make your RMA processes easier with gearbest, given the troubles you guys had with lenses on the 4k.

If a customer gets bad lenses, or dust on the panel, a modular swappable lens design would make repairs easier on you guys. @PimaxVR

For readers unfamiliar with this topic, here is a link to my earlier thread. :slight_smile:


Heliosurge, A modular lens swap kit was what I had in mind in my 1st thread. Two sets of lenses, two distortion profiles, changeable by the user when they want to.

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No, this would help everyone, even and especially 8k x backers.

If the 8k x had swappable lenses dsigned for lower FOV, you guys would see the most benefit. You would have native resolution of 4k per eye with the highst pixels per degree.

As it is now, Pinax’s 200 degree FOV means that all that extra resolution is wasted on the sides to get you more FOV. IE the 8k over 200 degrees of FOV would have the same or slightly better clarity as the 4k does over its 110 degrees.

Lower FOV lenses and a 2nd distortion profile designed to match means a net benefit of higher pixels per degree for all users.

BTW we are suggesting swappable. IE if you want 200 degrees, you pop in those lenses, and you choose the default 200 degree distortion profile.

If any of you watch Carmack’s talk at OC4 or Michael Abrash’s talk at OC3, they both mention that high FOV is a tradeoff of resolution and clarity (pixels per degree) for field of view.

3840x2160 is a lot of pixels, but if those are stretched over 200 degrees, its like having too little paint on too much wall.

If however you paint those pixels over a smaller FOV area, clarity is increased,


I prefer 200 FOV, but if it is optional and there is no risk of compromising the equipment because of this option, that’s fine.

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Density of pixels on the panel does not change thats fixed in the panels arrangement itself, pixels per degree of FOV is what changes. Lower FOV means more effecient use of the angular resolution.

The rift has about 15 pixels per degree over its 110 degrees with its 2 1080x1200 panels (1 per eye.) If the rift had 2 panels with 2160x2400 per eye over that same 110 degrees, it would have about double the pixels per degree, or about 30.

Or if the rift itself had a lower FOV (say 45 degrees ) with its current panels of 1200x1080 but with lenses optimized for a lower 45 degree FOV, it would then have double the pixels per degree relative to that 45 degrees of FOV.

In HMDs, its a constant trade off of field of view, pixels per degree, binocular overlap, and pixel fill.

Pixels per inch is (partially) the pixel fill factor, with RGB stripe being the best sub pixel arrangement over pentile.

Pixels per degree is different, thats coverage over area.

Its not about how much of the screen you see, its about how efficiently you are using the resolution that you do have available via optics.

Since the 8k only accepts a 1440p native signal upscaled to 4k, and the 8K X does not have a scaler for lower resolution, swappable lenses would benefit everyone via offering the customer the choice. I love a live swap option so we get the best of both wirlds and everyone wins.

I love 200 degree FOV on principle, but I love the idea of owning another set of lenses too that allow me to have better pixels per degree, and thus clarity.

I too only want the option if I can use both lenses, ie modular/swappable.


Yeah I like this idea. It’s exactly what “Cinera” did in their video HMD: they also have 2 x1440 panels yet this HMD is purely made for video viewing so what they do is compress all these pixels via special lenses onto 66 degrees FoV. So you have a rather small FoV (which according to them is optimal for viewing video) but the amount of 2x1440p in pixels, so you have very high PPD.

This of course is doable on the 8k too and can deliver even way higher quality because of the 4k panels. I like this ! @Matthew.Xu You guys could even make 2-3 lenses, although 66 degrees might be the most interesting, for movie viewing.

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No please - I don’t want to have to deal with any possible dust that comes from swapping lenses

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Buy one of these: and you’ll be fine


Depends on how it would be done. If done somehow in software then it wouldn’t have any negative side effect and would be a interesting option to have.

If it were a hardware swap out of some kind though, then I would be concerned about it compromising the build quality of the unit in order to make parts removable. If that were the case then I would prefer that you not do it.


No, its better for dust. Right now if you buy the 4k, there is a chance it will have dust on the inside, whereby you open it up and void your warranty, or RMA to gearbest. (Taking your life in your hands)

With exchangeable lenses, you can clean dust out yourself without voiding the warranty, without RMA,. etc.

Also, If you bought a headset that had a bad set of lenses due to manufacturing, wouldnt it be infinitely better to just RMA for pimax to ship you some lenses instead of paying and shipping the whole HMD?