After this , I do not think I would be able to buy anything for the next 1 year and a half maybe …which might be bad because who knows what other cool new VR and AR gadgets will be released
Whichever comes first honestly. As for them vs gloves. I guess what I would say is, the absolute best input system possible is the one that allows for zero abstraction interaction with the environment. That would be fully body track , gloves and facial capture. Jog in place to run etc . if you have all that stuff and all your games support it gloves may be better. But knuckles provide a level of abstraction that a lot of current games still rely on for various non standard interactions. Maybe you could trigger powers in a game with naruto ninja hand signals but pressing A for that may end up being something a lot of people prefer.
With the captogloves , we can assign keyboard strokes to finger bending or thumb finger pressure with the index finger. Maybe that function would be available also while the whole glove replaces the vive controller.
I am not sure it will work out that way and if those or any other gloves would be able to do what the knuckels would do. I guess we have to wait and see
I am so curios!
Good point about what games would actually support all these cool devices
For example the haptic feedback functions, would be useless on these devices (like gloves and hardlight vest) if actually the games do not support them