Do Valve Home environments work with Pimax?

I don’t currently don’t own a Pimax but have ordered the 8KX and it suddenly dawned on me that I don’t know how Pimax works with Valve Home environments. I currently play around setting up my own home environments with the Valve Hammer tool (using my OK Vive) and would be gutted it for some reason this didn’t work on my Pimax when I get it.

I would especially be interested in anyone that like me plays around with Valve Hammer as well as whether it simply works with the standard Valve home environment.

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What do you mean by “Valve Home”? Do you mean environments in SteamVR Home? This should work with any headset. Or is there something specific about your environment?

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It works, but not competely flawless. I would on your place search for “steamvr home issue” and see if there is something you can expect (potentially) in the future. Search this forum (top right).
I have it disabled to prevent any possible issues.

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Yup, that’s what I meant, SteamVR Home environments - do these work with Pimax and in particular can you play around building your own with Hammer with the Pimax as you can with the Valve?

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I do not have any experience with Hammer, so I cannot really comment on that, but my anecdotal experience with few different environments tells that it works.

But I could imagine, if you use some “non standard” assets when building it, it could require parallel projection, but apart from that I do not see why it should not work. (I mean, why it should not work with Pimax in particular, while it would work with other headsets.)

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Not sure about Hammer, but I do have an awesome Steam VR home environment with a high rise apartment in Gotham city! [;]-)


Not so nice as @vrgamerdude 's , but I did check stuff like the millenium falcon or so… they worked (but should with any HMD that works with steam).


There is no reason this wouldn’t work with Pimax large fov. There is the issue of items popping in and out of view at the very edges though. That annoys me tremendously


I haven’t used tools to create SteamVR Home environments. But have used steam workshop environments prior to Home being released.

Now @knob2001 did create a custom environment for testing headsets prior to releasing a more in depth test tool suite.

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Thanks - sounds like good news overall!


Although you will take a performance hit, selecting Compatible with Parallel Projections solved that popping in and out issue for me.