Dirt Rally 2.0 flickering

Tried to search and found all three topics about this game, however did not helped me a lot:)
Anybody have some decent nvidia and ingame settings to run this game properly?
I can run it just fine at 90hz and ss on, (but it ss is always on as it holds 45fps at gpu utilization only about 50-60%, cpu is even more bored at about 20%), but my main problem is very hard “flickering” (or “glitering”) mainly at vegetation - trees…
I tried all possible settings but can not get rid of it:-(
Got 1080ti, pitool at 1.0, steam ss 80%…
Any ideas? Thanks!

What can say try 72hz mode , pitool rend 1.25 , steam vr 75% and my settings Dirt Rally 2.0 VR - Greece DLC / Pimax 5k with 2 Dof motion & gametrix setup - YouTube

Hi, you finally gave me the nudge to write this post Ive been meaning to put up in the last couple of weeks. Hope this helps :slight_smile:


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Great many thanks for detailed info, i ´ ll study and try tommorow:)