Did anyone get a chance to try the 8k in SF?

Honestly that’s a very positive sign too. When I first heard that Pimax was using fresnel for the 8k I was expecting quite a few godray’s but none of the reviewers noticed any. That’s indeed hopeful.

Thanks for the link…really a relief to read so many positive impressions from this most recent demo. Gives me a lot of hope for the quality achievable with the upcoming prototype revision.

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Pimax 5k and Pimax 8k Demo Review - YouTube review

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Nice. So far all the SF reviews have spoken about things that are important to me.

  • Inclusion of IPD to will fix the focus point, as looking at the wrong
    point shows perfectly focused images when looking at that point. I also
    believe they’ll have that IPD adjuster fixed by release.

  • 200° FOV doesn’t stretch the sides. It doesn’t look warped.

  • Sharp Bigscreen environment. Practical and usable Virtual Desktop environment, with the inclusion of watching movies.

Maybe, pimax is not for you. You don’t trust pimax work, so, why are you backing? If I was so angry with pimax previous work, I wouldn’t buy another product. But coming here and always put the most negative opinion, is very strange. I also see some cons, but not 6 cons and only one positive thing(no ghosting). You are free to write your opinions, but we are free to suspect about them

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PIMAXVR Collaborator about 11 hours ago
Q:Ok I specifically backed the 5k for the promised OLED screen becuse of the deeper color saturation usually gaoned from OLED so Pimax will it be an LED or OLED screen in 5k ??
A:No, CLPL(LCD) display in 5k just like 8k.

No OLED confirmed on Kickstarter.

I’m not angry at all. Quite the contrary. I’ve been actively working a lot with Pimax to help them out and find ways to improve their product and the experience. For example I developed my own flasher tool because their own tool didn’t work very well and caused a lot of problems among users. I modified the firmware to fix a common problem people had with it. I’ve made hardware mods to improve the brightness colours and contrast and a mod to fix to correct the IPD for the Pimax 4k. I’ve done a lot of work reverse engineering the FW too, for basic understanding and allowing for a 4k native resolution mod (which stranded unfortunately because it turned out the panel doesn’t allow for it).

And then I’ve put in quite some time to find experienced HMD programmers to help them out with their renderer when they had trouble and I’ve been helping them out with their forum since a year ago, everything for free. I do this because I respect the company. This is a company that is actually moving VR development forward, unlike Facebook Oculus and HTC Vive who seem not to be interested in that at all.

All this ‘anger’ and ‘only negativity’ is in your heads. Maybe I’ve come across as negative in this thread but if you read the above I’ve pointed out several things I thought were very hopeful and positive too like the lack of godray’s in the Pimax 8k and the fact that there seems to be no ghosting at all. Yes of course I’m disappointed with Pimax in a lot of things. They’re extremely amateurish a lot of times in everything they do and that disappoints me because I’d love to see them beat every other company out there and that just won’t happen if you release software without even testing it for example. Or go to a demonstration with only 1 demo model and when it breaks like it did in Berlin, then what ? Or print huge banners with text “Pimax, never be so clear!”. Just a few examples of their extreme amateurism. How are you ever going to beat facebook if you keep doing that ?

Yet what I did become is very skeptical of their promises. Maybe it’s Chinese culture, I don’t know, but Pimax always promises a lot and so often misses out on them. Just read the post above for another example. They promised oled for the 5k but that’s over now? It would not surprise me. That’s just pimax. But ‘angry’ , no that’s really in your mind man.


This is a company that is actually moving VR development forward, unlike Facebook Oculus and HTC Vive who seem not to be interested in that at all.

Well said, although this comes from who Pimax are selling to and what steers them. I don’t feel Pimax feel they are competing with Facebook multi billionaire corporations. They simply want the most advanced technical product, at the cheapest price, first. This is where Pimax excel (being first) but being first always means you tread on unfamiliar turf and mistakes will be made by having no one come before you. No way to alter this.

I’d love to see them beat every other company out there and that just won’t happen if you release software without even testing it for example

Me too, although mistakes happen due to small size of the company. Yes Oculus are more professional but look who suppports them and with the Facebook tie in who funds them (possibly dodgy US government surveillance interests). The only other real competitor is HTC. They are a massive electronics company, global brand. Fans of Pimax wishing them to be as sleek as either aformentioned is an impossibility. I should add, Pimax learns from its mistakes or policies. They have great feedback with the VR community. They also allow free speech and criticism of their products. Many companies in the West delete your comments immediately. Also there was an outcry over non native 4K per eye. If everything works out we’ll have 8K-X in our homes around may/june 2018, simply by asking for it. Can’t get better than that, other companies would have told us to get lost!

They’re extremely amateurish a lot of times in everything they do

I would suggest Pimax are pioneers not just followers. Pimax’s Kickstarter is arguably so popular, because of this forum and using social media sensibly. This forum helps Pimax have feedback to ‘brainstorm’ new ideas. I could be wrong, but I believe with their VR product, Pimax are the first to have such as busy foreign language forum as this with basically no advertising either?

They promised oled for the 5k but that’s over now? It would not surprise me. That’s just pimax.

Your point is valid, but explained by circumstances associated to business sense. WIth less financial resourses (money) and physical resources (people), everything is run on a budget and wating to see what happens takes more time, and time is what Pimax don’t have. Sudden changes will thus appear, which you spotted. If OLED has been shelved in the Kickstarter, this is to save money and focus what will sell now at the point in time, with less resources corners have to be cut. Indeed now I’ve checked mysef, OLED does appear to have been withdrawn as the Kickstarter page makes no reference to the 5K being OLED in the FAQ on the top navigation tab of the website. A skeptic would say that the Kickstarter has proved so popular, it is more profitable to ‘dump’ OLED at this point due to the majority number of people wanting the 8K model on Kickstarter so far. I couldn’t prove this though and it’s only my speculation.

Or go to a demonstration with only 1 demo model and when it breaks like it did in Berlin, then what ?

Yes having one model at a trade show is unwise, however, a final prototype model is coming very soon. If funds are tight it’s better to promote the ‘old model’ (with the consequences of this), and focus all time and effort into the new model simutaneously. This appears counterproductive at first, but the reality is the new model isn’t finished yet to show the public! Therefore Pimax had no choice but to show off the older model to the public and watchful critics,with it’s known flaws.

Or print huge banners with text “Pimax, never be so clear!”. Just a few examples of their extreme amateurism.

Chinese is an incredibly complicated language, I’m sure the opposite could occur if an English language catchphrase make a little error trying to promote an English product in China that would have the Chinese inwardly laughing too at a foreigners faux pas. The writing error is really just an unfortunate mistake due to their not being teams of people paid to check such things. and English is not their native language, even if it may be their largest target market. I would say what you’ve found are only minor indiscretions at this point in time, after all this is a Kickstarter campaign at the moment, there is no store or ‘by it now’ button on a website with the same errors as the banner spelling error. So I feel it’s best to just smile and move on and see it as a quirk of Pimax. Like I said, this is not a finished product, leeway must be given.

Yet what I did become is very skeptical of their promises. Maybe it’s Chinese culture, I don’t know, but Pimax always promises a lot and so often misses out on them.

There are clear cultural differences in how we all ‘play the game’ of customer vs advertiser but this is part of the variance of globalism. For example, America is fat on capitalism and capitalis needs excellent customer service and ‘rules’ to help seduce the customer, hence the Americanism ‘‘have a nice day’’. Chinese do things their own way that might surprise you, but won’t change. Expecting China to be or ‘behave’ like Western companies will never happen and so you have to compromise. Like all companies, Pimax wants your money, and little else. Sell at highest volume for lowest price. Economies of scale. They don’t do plesentries as this does not optimize sales when conversely maximising volume (by cheaper product price to competition) always outstrips paying people to be ‘nice’ over the telephone in call centres.

My comment:
Lastly I would remind myself never mind anyone else, that Pimax 8K is a Kickstarter funded project
at this point in time. It will be a little ‘rough around the edges’, because this is the nature of helping to fund prototpye projects that lead to finished products. This comes with getting a product in the next 4-8 months, rather than 12. A 98% finished product will never be a 100% one, and until it is marketed as one, we can’t really judge.

We are all pioneers (customer and vendor) and in this together. That is the 'beauty’of Kickstarter and crowd funding. The diamond ring is never as polished as we want it to be, but we shouldn’t expect a shine at this point in time, even if we are used to this in our lives, Kickstarter is the last place we can expect ‘the small print’ to be accurate or binding. Prototypes and claims of prototypes are fluid until a product is ready for mass market. Buying Pimax now, is now the finished product.You can always wait until the store is open and then buy there and get a better service and finalised specification also.


Yes and no. They did take into account some things we said. But, for example, we’ve told them so many times that that slogan “Never Be So Clear” was horrible, ill written english, people even started threads about inventing new slogans to help Pimax out yet there they were in Berlin with those huge 'Pimax, Never Be So Clear!" banners making themselves look ridiculous.

And I know, saying things like that might make me look angry. But it’s more like having a child you just want the best for and see her/him making all those poor choices in life that won’t get her/him to achieve what you KNOW would be possible if they tried just a little harder. I must admit that I’m a perfectionist myself which probably lights that fire too. They have the technology to beat Facebook and HTC, if they just did things a little different, then they could do so much better… So yeah that’s what frustrates me about them.

Another example this user review that was just posted: Pimax 5k and Pimax 8k Demo Review - YouTube
He asks himself whether he’d prefer the 8k over the Vive and the Oculus. He’s not sure ! I mean come on, here’s this headset with 200 FoV, without SDE, low latency, without ghosting and godray’s and he’s not sure if he’d prefer that over Vive and Oculus. That’s what I’m talking about. They have the technology yet somehow they don’t achieve what they ARE able to achieve and should achieve: make the competitors like toys for in the museum. It’s just very frustrating to see them mess that up.

Do you put the tinfoil over your HMD or under?

Yeah, he actually says “If SDE and FOV are huge pet peeves to you, than the Pimax 8k may be a worthy investment…”

Those two things are not “pet peeves,” they’re specifically the things that need to get better for VR to improve/advance. And he said those two things are just that, much better.

I think this is very relative to every person and interest he has. I’ve seen other reviews saying that after experiencing the 8K was difficult to go back to using the HTC or Rift.

We have to read everything and draw our own conclusions.

It’s more than just that. It’s about getting a clear sharp image without distortion, for everybody. It’s about getting the IPD mechanism right and not do demo’s until you get that right. It’s about having software run smoothly and not stutter on extremely simple games like Fruit Ninja. All those things need improvement. If they did that, then users wouldn’t doubt anymore whether the headset is better than the Oculus. They would buy the Pimax 8k and never look back. Simple as that.

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Sorry in advance, no english here…what exactly “pet peeves” meaning?

Pet Peeve is defined as “something that a particular person finds especially annoying.”


Thanks for make it clear for me…

With the recent reviews - including the video, because he comments on those things - im satisfied.

I’m satisfied the IPD will be solved by Pimax before release, even if delayed, and people [who obviously fit the current set IPD a bit better] have also said it is crystal clear almost everywhere(“usable peripheral vision.”) This guy even admits he can see the focus point wasn’t right for him, but when he looked where it was it was almost perfect.

All of them said the peripheral vision was great, clean and not stretched - even this guy, but he seemed more to imply he thinks the extra FOV wasn’t necessary, or impressive to him, but that’s not an problem with the hardware or at all, he just didn’t seem impressed by having more FOV in general, which seems more personal preference. The exact thing he described will impress me.

They’ve all said there’s some distortion at the very edge, but I think that’s going to be a lot less than you think. I mean, I have both a CV1 and a Vive, and they’ve both got an amount of that at the edge due to the lens, and I’ll already bet the Pimax 8k will be less noticeable, and further out of your regular view area as it is now.

There seems to be a bit of negative stuff about the controllers, I have a Vive so I completely roll over that stuff - I don’t know if you’re getting the full package, so I admit if you are that’s a negative you’d probably take on board.

So yeah, everyone is going to either be OKAY with it or not - I’m okay, especially now there’s been a few reviews that all make similar comments around areas I think are important. Will it be out by Dec/Jan? I don’t know, but if it isn’t that’s ok too. I want it now, but I want it to be at its best, more


I’m by no means implying the PImax 8k is a failure. It’s clearly not. There’s enough likable about it to put it at least up with the big boys, I haven’t seen anyone saying that they clearly preferred the Oculus and Vive over the Pimax 8k (which some of them do over the Pimax 4k). It’s just sad that Pimax hasn’t been able to show such an impressive unit that the choice was easy for everybody. And honestly what worries me most is the software. Pimax has a huge history of ill written drivers which they couldn’t fix even within 1 year of release. If Fruit Ninja stutters on a GTX 1080 then how will a popular game like Arizona sunshine or ED look ? But I yet have to decide if those worries bother me enough to cancel my pledge and wait for the release (and buy then if people like it) or just buy it right away. I’m hoping their new prototype will convince me.

I won’t respond to this needless insult in an emotional manner. I will however draw your attention to the following fact and wish you well educating yourself in getting your knowledge base up to date, before attempting to humiliate people, when only humiliating yourself in the process. Thank you.

The mass interception and surveillance of UK citizens’ activity on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google is legal, the government’s top anti-terror chief has said. In the first detailed defence of the UK’s surveillance policies since the Snowden revelations, Charles Farr, the director general of the Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism, has said that the surveillance of such popular sites is legal because their US origins means they count as “external communications”… In the first detailed defence of the UK’s surveillance policies since the Snowden revelations, Charles Farr, the director general of the Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism, has said that the surveillance of such popular sites is legal because their US origins means they count as “external communications”.

Source: Mass surveillance of UK citizens on Facebook, YouTube and Google is legal, says official | The Independent | The Independent

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