Diagonal fault in display

Hi there, i got an 8kx used for veeery cheap. Everything works fine but the seller told about a horizontal green line which is barely visible. And it’s true looks like a small lens flare but its not horizontal its diagonal on the right display. I dissassembled the whole hmd and pull of the lens to take a Look at the display itself. And there is a small deformation near the Center within the display which causes the discoloration. Maybe a heating damage? Is there something behind the screen? Does any body have this issue too?

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@PimaxQuorra may have some ideas

This might be heat damage, and it seems that replacing the display might be necessary to fix it. Please file a support ticket to see if our tech support can offer further assistance.

Its okay for me at the Moment. Its barely visible. But I Was wondering what the reason is… A Electronic Part at the packside of the display which getting very hot while exzessive use? Or Just forget the hmd laying in the Sun and the lenses focused the Light in the display? I dont know…

Heres a picture through the lens.

I suspect it might be heat damage. If the damage is caused by sunlight, the area will likely be burned, resulting in a black spot.



Did you take a pic of the display when you had it apart?