DCS Settings Profiles!

What’s your best settings profiles for DCS VR!?
Feel free to share a screenshot or write them down here for the community to benefit from!


Sure, my first recommendation is to use OpenXR.
13900k, 8KX, I did it via: GitHub - mbucchia/Pimax-OpenXR: PimaxXR: an unofficial OpenXR runtime for Pimax headsets.. There was a significant performance boost, and OpenXR toolkit was available.


What are the recommend in-game settings?

What settings depends on so much. What aircraft you fly. Where you fly. Whether you fly solo or in a flight group. Whether you fly combat or as a study sim. What equipment used and what hmd and then there is your personal eyesight.

Ironically with Pimax trying to sell a new hmd we were kind of hoping the beta testers you guys chose would supply some of that information. In the old days @SweViver would have tested the crap out of it by now :smiley:

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See you guys had newer data all along. The 2 year old vids could be updated though,


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