Dark vertical line in center of right eye when I move

I would like to try and flash the firmware but I can’t download Firmware

Do you think I could flash older version and then it would prompt piplay to show update ?

Trying to flash the firmware back to proves to be frustrating !

After trying the tool It gets stuck in dfu mode like to many others…

Got it unstuck, but piplay still shows firmware not

Tried manually but not sure I did it right, … still shows 248.

Some help would be appreciated .

As with the logo are the lines gone when playing a game or picture on screen?

If so then that looks to be fogger system showing when display not recieving an image. I have skinned steamvr with millennium falcon cockpit so had notived the vertical lines originally.

But would recommend support adding info on website & put insert explaining what to expect with certain features. When defogger would activate at first thought i had display issues due to being under rec specs. I would be willing to volunteer some of my time to assist with helping to create.

Changelogs definitely need improvement. Especially needed with Beta releases. As they can post much needed info on “known bugs” & help users identify a bug if a result of changes

Made a new video:

thxo1138 uploaded this video to

I put my pimax upside down so my camera fit better.
Try and ignore the sweep that my camera captures and focus on the dark band visible directly in the middle.

This band is most visible when I pan left and right , not so much up and down or not moving.
I did notice that when the defogger activated and went trough its cycle that the dark band was not there but came back as soon as the -regular- defogger lines finally faded.

Now I am hopping it is software or firmware related and not hardware.

Again… the first thing I did when first installing was to push the update button, and I got a fail message but it worked anyway !
Now at the minimum I need to reinstall the firmware !
I need the latest 248 !
If I successfully install the firmware -without fail- I can eliminate the possibility of a bad firmware, and look elsewhere.

Looking at this still, if you look carefully you will notice that besides the darker middle band a lighter one is right next to it !

(I flipped the image right side up)

Besides the firmware I am wondering if augmenting the brightness might reduce this effect ?
Like here:

But I do not find it to dark as is.

I may be mistaken about the defogger ?

I looked carefully when it activated…

One of the lines looked different from the others ( the one in the region of the problem)
I will have to take special notice…

Your issue is very clear now.

I also have the same effect but it disappears after 1 minute.
I think the screen needs to heat a bit before it is fully functional. In my case.

But I also have another problem. I have pixels blocked on the red color in the right eye.
I’ve had some from the beginning but it seems there are more of it now.

For your problem, have you tried different brightness adjustment?
Like discribe in this post http://community.openmr.ai/t/status-of-brightness-control/751/38

I just have a try. I went back to normal brightness (10033000) and the vertical line problem remained visible but when I switched back to high brightness (10033036), it disappeared.

Awesome post! Definitely shows the issue quite clearly.

What game are you running? As Aurel has posted a brightness adjustment may correct it.

Are there other titles giving you this issue(please post list.

I haven’t noticed that in the games i have used HMD.

Abe VR (more short sci-fi experience) -Free
Sublevel Zero(Beta VR 6dof Descent like) -$
Vanishing of Ethan Carter (VR Dlc upgrade) -$
Bigscreen (Beta -Req Motion Controllers) -Free

Futurewar (Demo) -Free

It does not matter what I use it’s always there.

The problem is not the rendering of the game or video or image, it’s in how the panel reacts to the signal or that the signal to the panel is corrupted (signal from motion of hmd).

I haven’t tried diff. brightness yet, I have not looked at that post in a while now, lots of decoding to do before I can understand how to do that, did not have piplay back then, was waiting to receive pimax …

I need to make sure the firmware is installed correctly first !

It may not look like much of a problem, but it’s like having a hair in front of one eye that you can’t put aside !!!

I’m holding back on playing games cause it sucks !

would be nice to hear from support !

No i agree that is a big problem. I would try what Aurel said about brightness.

Click on gear in Piplay. Launch “Debugger Tool” that will open a new window with info on system & device. Near the bottom there is a box to enter commands. I haven’t checked Aurel’s link but i am sure it contains the brightness control syntax.

Hopefully turning up the brightness corrects issue. Otherwise might be a discoloration in lense holder? Or as you said an issue with signal/render.

Hopefully support is monitoring this topic and is talking to their engineers about possible causes & fix.

Thanks for the simplified info, I do want to try the brigntness thing but like I said I played with trying to change the firmware but not successfully, and I had to stop trying, was getting nowhere, now I may be on older firmware but not showing but acting like it is.

“discoloration in lense holder” can’t be that cause it shows up on movement left and right not up and down, and that is where the signal is corrupted, when it gets the signal from the sensors and the image is adjusted accordingly…

Your welcome. Best part of the core idea of community.

Tho i doubt it is the issue; but could affect signal apart from bad cables. With hmd powered by Usb; if you have alot of usb devices, the hmd might not be recieving enough amperage on the 5v rail. (normally more of an issue on laptops than desktops).

Feel free to add me on steam same user tag.

Can anybody give me the 248 firmware ?

Good news!

I have increased the brightness and it helped a lot !

Level 1; was better but not perfect, but I could focus past it and ignore it much better !

level 2; almost perfect, I’d say 90-95% gone !

Cool colors always been on.

Much happier :slight_smile:

I still need better firmware and software !

Still need firmware 248.

Glad to hear it. Have had good luck with self update of firmware. Haven’t had the need to explore manually updating.

The manual tool need to d/l that still

I Don’t get that ? (n/m I got it)

Tried the tool but at one point I could not get the process to shut down, it did at first, but after it kept popping back up, I tried reinstalling piplay to no aveil.
Then tried manual, but the last bit of info was not clear.
But I had to finish it cause my pimax was unresponsive, but it woke up when I dropped the firmware in the last files…
So now I don’t know what is the status of my firmware.