Sorry, I’m new to kickstarter, don’t know how things are. Is the custom tax from pimax8k shipments on Pimax or on the receiver? Thanks greatly!
It will depend on where you are.
Rule of thumb: If you do not know, then it is on you
Pimax team stated in certain countries (I do not know for sure the list of countries ) they will bulk ship to warehouses… then ship to backers… This would eliminate any customs or taxes due to the backer in these cases.
I’m hoping this is the case for those of us in the USA… all these dumbass tariffs that the Idiot in Chief keeps implementing might screw the USA backers over.
It’s the same with the UK too, we get stung for 20% tax, plus an import duty depending on the value of the item, and then postal service ‘admin fees’ on top of that. When I order my lightsabers from Portland Oregon, they cost me about £350 each to buy and ship, and then another £100 when HM Customs get their grubby little mitts on them.
Same here with Brazil, but a lot worse. the customs often make a non-intrusive scanning of the product, and they charge the price as much as they want, up to 100% of the value. Plus taxes and shipping.
Help us out if you can, Pimax.
They have a warehouse in Germany, so that’s good for people within the EU.
Sorry for resuming the topic, so if i’ll preorder the 5k from italy, they will send me from germany, so no taxes? Am i right?
We already paid, therefore no customs tax for USA sales to the kickstarter backers.
Im in the UK and they don’t charge tax on VR imports, instead the proposal is to remove one of the Ks so if you buy an 8K you act only receive 7K and if you buy 5K+ you get a 4K+. They are planning on putting all these confiscated Ks together and making a super VR headset. That’s inside news from the Brexit negotiation team and I have to admit it’s one of the more sensible things they’ve come up with.