Crystal——Some assembly required

My bad, Missed two more complete pictures


Yep those there look like parts alright. Is that what it looks like if dropped from higher than 3 feet? :grinning: Look forward to a teardown vid some day. :+1:

Only 3 weeks of Q3 left. :joy:

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Here we go again… lol

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So Crystal won’t be wireless at launch until the modules released which has no release date?

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It will have wifi 6e built in, so wireless that way but no idea how good their implementation is. Hopefully Guy Godin ports over virtual desktop.

What’? Where did you hear that? I know they were having issues with the wifi6e…

Take a look at this. For wireless PCVR you need the 60GHz WiGig MODULE. You dont get that with Crystal = no launch date.

You only get split rendering via the XR2 for Quest like games.

Well thats how I read it unless I’m wrong.

Here is the module which you dont get in the package. It will come at an extra cost - no doubt over £200.

This is what you get.

To get 42PPD you have to buy the extra lenes too.

And if you want to use Index controllers you need the £199 face plate.

If you’re starting from scratch your price list looks like this.

Headset - £1899
Index Face plate - £199
Wireless Module - £199???
Index Controllers - £259
Base Stations - £278

Total - £2834

That’s not correct. You can use wifi 6E for PCVR, they’ve said this more than once. However, it’s gonna be far more limited vs the wigig module due to much lower data limitations and its been one of the more difficult things to fine tune, at least on the 12k from what they have said, not too sure on the Crystal due to how its much lower spec. Considering how the Q2 streaming’s worked, Wifi 6E’ll should either be somewhat visibly compressed, more limited on settings vs WiGig, or more likely both to a degree.

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To whom do I write the check?

On average 3 categories of potential customers:
1: Those who don’t have any LH devices or are starting new for roomscale with joystick controllers - their cost: $1899 USD. Pimax owners receive $100 here so $1799.
2: Those who have LH and Index controllers and want to stick with that - their cost $1899 USD + Faceplate, ***Existing Pimax owners get two discounts here so for them $1799+$99 = $1899 so this scenario costs them nothing extra.
3: Those who own no LH Tech and do not want inside out tracking and require index controllers - their cost $1899+Faceplate+Valve LH Bundle. Pimax owners also save ~$200 in this unlikely scenario btw.

Most either already have LH tech or are just interested in roomscale with joystick controllers. Beauty of the system is all 3 scenarios are covered.


Then again were all about to drop 2500 US on a 4090…unless Pimax can beat NVIDIA to market! Winkity-wink.

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So when its beeing released?

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That might be your price list, the vast majority of customers won’t want LH. You can also use the wifi 6e wireless if wireless is an absolute must or just the cable and you can also offset costs overtime.

Presenting that list of costs as though it is the default needed to get it setup is ridiculous. The base package has everything you need to get started and for most will be everything they want. What even is your complaint here? That they didn’t design the headset specifically for your wants and budget?

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I think the most still want lighthouse tracking…


The majority here, yes, but overall I would wager not.