[Controller progress] Let us know your thoughts!

Hello, Matthew:

But, would the controllers have the same characteristics as Valve’s Knuckels, which are currently being tested by developers?

If not, we will get a controller that is neither a wand nor a knuckle and that will give compatibility problems with all the software.

Apart, many of us don’t have HTC Vive; if we get unusables controllers, we would not have any controllers.

Also, how can we know if the controllers will work well at the hardware level? If arrive to us and they are defective, we also would not have any controllers.

I want the hardware and its software well tested before sending anything.


I, the controller will work anyway like the valve or rift controllers? so will work with most games and only the cap sense will not in the release or all the controll wil not work in the release?

Honestly it’s better to forget the knuckles style and focus in a normal but good controller like rift. if we want kuckles we could buy wen release and we have sure that wil be 100% compatible. the problem its many people bought the controller because thought it would be like knukles…

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No, because, as you said:

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I bought the whole VR kit, if i get controllers what don’t work i can’t do anything with it.
Just take the time needed, make a Knuckles Clone, test the software and hardware, then deliver it to us.
We can all wait a little more.


I bought the whole VR kit too, I think the same.


Ha, my full package was bought because how else would the SteamVR Dashboard operate without controllers when the Vive Wands become broken?

I kid, I kid.

Valve’s Knuckle controllers have a trackpad that is concave.

I am assuming Pimax would do something similar with their trackpad to make it easier to find the center.

This sort of attachment would not work with a concave trackpad.

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@PimaxVR @Matthew.Xu @bacon

So you will make controllers with similar cap sense technology to the Valve Knuckles.

The regular controls will work out of the box (such as Tracking, Thumbstick, Trigger, Grab, Buttons), but the cap sense will not work on release and will be activated with a software update in the future?

Is this correct?

What if you send controllers and then realize the cap sense technology software will not work?
Will you send new controllers to backers who have ordered controllers with dysfunctional cap sense?

You need to be 99% positive that the cap sense hardware implemented in the controllers will work with software updates in the future to prevent a major recall.

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It seams foolish to implement hardware without even being able to test it at all till after the person receve it and just hope it’s going to work. I think this is against common sence.

Delay it if necessary and fully test it to prove it’s functional. Work out any problems associated with hardware and software before it’s sent to backers. I truly beleave the cost in delaying if necessary would be far far less than sending out untested questionable hardware. And by cost there is money and reputation to be lost.

You can build reputation by taking extra time to do it right instead of rushing and gambeling on functionality.


Valve is still fine tuning their capsense technology and they have been for months now. You cant just send out an update and activate the knuckles and have them track fingers perfectly. Valve cant even figure out how to stop the fingers from going wonkey all the time. This is extremely worrying news and makes me glad I didn’t get the controllers.


I think pimax will have big problems :

They can delay, but we dont know how much months because if valve have been tuning the kuckles for months and dont have a release yet i dont want to think how much we have to wait for the pimax controllers. I dont mind waiting six months, but one year is to much and we dont even know if will be 100% compatible. If they postpone the controllers release they have to be certain of this.
They can say that will work 100% but without consumer test will be hard to fix all problems.
The best thing Pimax could do is send the controllers like they said to backers that pledge and bought controllers. This way they have more people to test all function controllers, and when they correct all problems they should send a free final/finished controller to backers. I just dont know if for pimax it is viable in money terms

I just think that delaying something that they dont know if will work does not make any sense and for this, or they send a test and in the end a free finished controller, or if not possible refund (price of controllers) all backers that dont want the controllers (full pack included) and release a very good and finished controller like rift even if not have cap sense for backers that dont want to refund

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Actually if it takes months to receive the controllers I prefer a refund.
Because getting the headset and waiting for the controllers for several months is having an incomplete product.I hope the April deadline will be met even if they come back with the idea of having only wand controllers.

Quick reminder to everyone about the Cap Sense.
Here is Matthew’s answer from a few days ago.

Cirque is the company making the sensors for Valve.

Thanks to @Digital for finding that out.

Cap Sense is not integrated in any games so far, because there is no actual mass product using their technology. I don’t think we can expect Pimax to have it working perfectly if there aren’t any games supporting it anyway.

At least the Knuckles design is already much better than the Wand design.


A couple of things.

  1. @Matthew.Xu confirmed they are working with Cirque to make the TRACKPADS for the Pimax Knuckle controllers; he never mentioned anything about them making the cap sense proximity sensors.
  1. @cocorickoo This simply isn’t true, Valve has sent many Knuckle developers kits to some VR developers so they could upgrade their games with support for Knuckle controllers and to add support for new games they are working on. Climbey is the first game to support the Knuckles and finger tracking and there are a few more right now as well.

@Matthew.Xu can you confirm you are working with the Cirque Company to make the cap sense technology for the controllers?


But if pimax says that The knuckle is not open source they dont have to send their controllers to developers? one thing is cap sense of valve other is cap sense of the provider of pimax that we dont know who is it.

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Valve is sending prototypes to developers so they can make five finger tracking work in their games.

When Pimax makes their cap sense, as long as it is compatible with SteamVR, SteamVR will mask the controller with the same functions as knuckles and should work. Developers would not need to make their games compatible with Pimax cap sense, SteamVR should translate it automatically.

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Yes, you are right.

The controller has the function of cap sense like Valve Knuckles. We’ve added this to the design, and we’ve got these on the hardware. Because of the reason for the software, it may cause the cap sense function of the ring finger and the small finger to be unrealized at the time of delivery, which does not affect the use.

Our plan is that you may be able to deliver the controllers first, and later you can implement these functions through software updates.

We may delay the delivery of the controller if everyone must require all the functions to be realized before they can be shipped.




Yes, we working with Cirque to make the cap sense for the controllers. Thanks



Is that the reason that Pimax Controllers will have physical grip button and not cap sense for middle finger?
Because Cap sense may not work when we receive the controllers, but because there is a grip button we will still be able to play all games because we have grip button?

Happy to hear you are working with Cirque to make the cap sense for the controllers.
They are also making the Valve Knuckles Caps Sense technology which is the same technology used in their VR Grip. If Cirque is helping both Valve and Pimax with the cap sense technology then I truly believe the cap sense will be able to work in the future with a software update.

Thank you Mattew.


I think you made the right decission. Having cap sense is a nice addition. If it works with later software update - great. If not, i would’nt be dissapointed.