Confused about controller support


I’m doing my research before ordering the Pimax unit. I am reading conflicting information about controllers, so I’d appreciate it if one could clarify a few issues.

The Oculus Rift I have at the moment, and that will go back to Amazon in a few days, has come with a wireless Xbox One controller. It has worked flawlessly in every app that I tied it in, were it from the Oculus Store, SteamVR or the external DeoPlayer. Now some threads suggest that their controller isn’t accepted by the Pimax, either at all, or just in SteamVR, and in any case it’s terrible. Is it still the case? Maybe it depends on the controller?

Anything proven to work 100%? Should I take the one suggested by Gearbest, Wired Joypad Controller for XBOX 360? But it’s for the 360 only, may that cause problems? Maybe the Wireless 2.4G Gamepad Game Controller for XBOX ONE? Maybe an original Xbox One controller, but we’re going from ~20€ to 60€, it better work flawlessly with the Pimax for that money.

The Rift also comes with a nice Bluetooth controller, anything on the market compatible with the Pimax?

Edit: maybe the Steam controller? On sale currently… But I guess it won’t work outside of Steam?

I have a wireless 360 gamepad and it works fine along w/ a multitude of other controllers I’ve tried. The main feature the controller should support is Xinput. If not, try x360e.

I’m quite confused on this too. Does this even work with the Vive controller ? I guess not ? Is there an alternative ?

Has anyone successfully got the steam controller to emulate a ‘tracked motion controller?’. I feel like it is possible as the Steam controller is very customizable. I have been working with it when I have time, but have not been completely successful to this point.

If anyone is, would they mind sharing? I’ll do the same if I find anything.