Competition for the 5K, the XTAL

For $5,800 USD with shipments beginning in September 2018.

This headset looks remarkably similar to the 8K or 5K with Leap Motion. Only thing different is price (!) and automated IPD detection.


for 5800 usd i want them to send someone with the headset as an indentured servant who will take it on and off my head, give me sips of water and act out the roles of npc’s


Bwahahahahahaha that price. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Sebastian also mentioned the Xtal.
Indeed the price is somewhat in the Varjo range: too expensive.
Nice thing is the fully integrated leap motion unit.

So? I’d rather have the option of not buying it

It looks a bit sharper. The ‘feel’ of a complete unit. But I acknowledge the other approach as well. Its like PC builds all over. Do you wish seperate components, or a fully integrated system. Its a matter of taste.

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They’re targeting enterprise so the price is not unreasonable for a low unit production high quality headset but this is only 3dof with room scale (and i assume 6dof) as an extra, unspecified, charge so erh…


HeroVR is priced similar. The yearly maintenance cost is higher than a vive pro complete. Lol

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This shit seems like the next HTC expensive bullshit. I’d still stick with my upcoming Pimax 8k. Screw their price.

I don’t see anything better than what Pimax has to offer, maybe the custom non-fresnel lenses give that extra visual quality but not for that price


Exactly my point. How’s that any better than pimax 8k? Oh and i’ve seen on their website like if you want to user other type of tracking like lighthouses technology you’d have to pay extra. WTF man…just wtf. Those guys are out of their fucking minds.

Obviously, as they also state in their video, they’re aiming at the professional segment, not the gaming segment like Pimax does. If the Pimax 8k works like the Pimax 4k does (it works, but with quite a few issue’s) then there surely is a market for a HMD that comes closer to perfection. I’m not saying that this XTAL thing is just that, I don’t know how well it works. Just saying (in general), there’s always a market for a better product and prices always go up exponentional for just a slightly better product at the higher end of the market (think TV’s, audio etc)


Who the fuck would pay such insane price for lower specs than the Pimax 8k where is/will be cheaper. That headset aint with anything better, just because it has auto-ipd and integrated leap motion that doesnt make it fucking 5800euros. I guess they learned from the very best how to scam people, HTC obivously. Pimax can clearely be considered aswell for both professional and gaming segments.

OMG, i mean really, instead of pushing VR forward, having better specs at lower prices, some fuckers come like Varjo and now this XTAL and ask insane prices for some specs… i just…can’t…i can’t. Wtf is wrong with some companies?

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Pimax 4k has great specs. Yet it’s a horrible piece of crap for gaming, driver development sucked big time for the 1st year and it’s still not perfect. Not even talking about the rest of the downsides of this HMD. So specs alone really aren’t the whole story here. Display panel quality, tracking, geometry perfection, godray’s, build quality, optical quality, compatibility, easy of use etc etc etc so many aspects here that make the whole experience. If you think the Pimax 8k will be perfect here on all these points, then I have news for you: it wont.

Again, I have no idea how the XTAL performs. But for this kind of price it has to be near perfect. And if it is, I’m sure there’s a market for it. If not, well then it will fail horribly.

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That XTAL case looks like it just rolled off of a cheap 3D printer, and those Leap Motion sensors… Did they just punch a hole and that was it?


Stil that doesn’t make it fucking 5800euros. Screw that.

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Agreed if you’re looking at it from a gaming perspective. But there are also business out there who would love to pay that IF it’s the only hmd that satisfies the parameters they’re looking for

But again, just look at high end audio and high end TV’s, where gear goes for over $10.000 and is only ‘marginally’ better sometimes than something that costs $2000. Same thing.

Topic title should probably be changed though. This is NOT competition for Pimax since it’s really a different market that they’re trying to serve.


Companies as often they get a higher level of support & such.


Just look at how much lenses cost for dslr cameras. Glass lenses cost a fortune.

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