Community Pimax Survey. Rate Pimax (The Company)

So I got this idea because @PimaxUSA himself said that it’s mainly 8 people who are being negative about the entire situation. But this isn’t really about that. I hope this can provide a clear result on where the company stands with consumers/backers and how they should move forward.

We’ve all been through quite a lot the last 2 years since the Kickstarter and some of us even before that.

Please use the template below but feel free to modify it if you think it helps you express what you think/feel better.

Hardware: /10

Software: /10

Customer Support: /10

Quality Control and Assurance:/ 10

Trust: /10

Overall satisfaction: /10

(Short paragraph on what you would like to see improved/done better/done differently)


Not a backer but early pre-order (P105x) of 5K+.

Hardware: 7/10

Software: 6/10

Customer Support: 7/10

Quality Control and Assurance: 5/10

Trust: 6/10

Overall satisfaction: 7/10

Couldn't keep it short so I hid this part instead :)

The quallity of the housing is just not good enough, period (yes, it might have gotten better, but we haven’t really seen that have we?).

PiTool is feature-rich which I really dig. It’s so cool to be able to tweak the headset (although in Pimax case it’s kind of needed, right?). They do, however, need to improve testing and (bugfix) release frequency. This might improve with Open Sourcing but there’s still a long way to go especially as they’ve only released the source code for the UI (as far as I understand). It’s “OK” in terms of stability now (.180), but it was nowhere near stable at release (initial tracking issues for me personally).

Regarding customer support it seems to me like they’re really trying. That’s more than can be said about lots of companies.

Quality control and assurance is still far off. Not sure how they could have possibly missed all the issues with the housing, but I guess it’s history now (again)? :slight_smile:

Trust level is not very high as there’s been to many reasons for not trusting them as a company, but I always come back to them not breaking trust intentionally. I really want them to succeed and I really want to trust them (and I’ll probably buy the 8KX if reviewers give it the thumbs up)… :wink:

So, overall I think I’m more satisfied with my 5K+ than I would have been by buying any of the other headsets available at purchase.

Today, I would have bought the Index instead as it seems like a more premium product and the trade-offs (if I hadn’t tried wide FOV) are OK, but I’m hoping the 8K+/8KX will be the products the first generation should have been… :wink:

Short recommendation: Get the basics right (both in software and hardware) before doing the “bling”… :wink: What good is a thousand options/tweaks/accessories if You can’t wear the headset right?


Hardware: 7.5/10

Software: 6/10

Customer Support: 8/10

Quality Control and Assurance: 5/10

Trust: 6/10

Overall satisfaction: 7.5/10

Overall happy with the product, customer service always been prompt. Product build quality is 2 steps down from big brand such as htc or oculus. Overall I would purchase from pimax again but I would wish the price level should be lowered abit, as software and build quality is below average to be asking for such a high price.


Ok here’s my take:

Hardware: 7.5/10

Software: 5/10

Customer Support: ?/10

Quality Control and Assurance: 5/10

Trust: 5/10

Overall satisfaction: 6/10

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Hardware: 6/10

Software: 5/10

Customer Support:? /10

Quality Control and Assurance: 8/10

Trust: 0/10

Overall satisfaction: 6/10

This is for an 8k if that matters. Hardware wise it looks and feels like Chinese garbage. Technologically except for not having the promised RGB panels it’s a very good product highly recommended. Software, where to begin. Chinese still occasionally gets displayed, simple promised features are missing like changing the front leds, and while its simple to use nature is good for someone looking to use it out of the box this is counter to whole enthusiast/tinkerer group it was sold as being for. Never used customer support and I’m not rating it on others experiences but suggest readers do your own research accordingly. Quality control was adequate mine worked. But having to worry about needing a replacement cable or a cracked housing is not good (these have both been fixed). No trust whatsoever between the lies, radio silence, and with the latest debacle with eye tracking and 8k+. Overall it’s an ok product with terrible company behind it. 0/10 will not recommend to anyone and will advise they go elsewhere.


Look it’s the same group of people again.

You guys should meet and make a “Pimax Critic Trolls” group on Facebook. It seems to be your favourite parttime activity.

You’re in every thread, on every Reddit, in several forums, always spreading your dissatisfaction. I get it, life is unfair. Viva la revolucion, the Eye Tracking was promised for free, down with Capitalism!! Don’t care for quality, everybody drive Lada, we don’t need no Daimler Benz!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hardware: 7/10 - A few problems, but it works fairly well.

Software: 7/10 - Better than I expected.

Customer Support: 5/10 - I got a replacement cable within a month, but others have had more problems.

Quality Control and Assurance: 3/10 - I have had problems with the cable and cracking.

Trust: 3/10 - Too many broken promises.

Overall satisfaction: 6/10 - The Pimax VR experience is good, but the company culture needs improvement. The Kickstarter exceeded my expectations, with the delivered HMD. It also exceeded my most pessimistic delivery date.

I’m disapointed by some aspects of my 8K, but I like it overall, enough to seriously consider the 8KX. As for Pimax, they need to seriously improve their communication and reputation.


Or they could improve as a company.


Theres only a few reviews here & imo the ratings look about right from some people who have made contributions to this forum


Hardware: 8/10 - 5k+ works well (but basic strap is not great), there is nothing else yet

Software: 7/10 - does what is necessary but lot of minor bugs (132 stable version)

Customer Support: 8/10 - replacement cable handled very well (-2 for big problems creating account/ticket)

Quality Control and Assurance: 3/10 - I think we were the QC, maybe things will change with other accesories

Trust: 3/10 - (believing what is said) I do think that Sweviver and PimaxUSA will make it better though

Overall satisfaction: 7/10 HMD is good, but that is all I got so far


Just putting down honest feelings here, is there a problem?:sunglasses:

Yeah were not pimax apologists.

Hardware: 8/10

Software: 7/10

Customer Support: 8/10

Quality Control and Assurance: 3/10

Trust: 5/10

Overall satisfaction: 7/10

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Everyone has a right to feel how they feel about Pimax.

The point of this thread is to give honest feedback to Pimax.

So far I don’t think anyone is trolling. Everything I’ve read seems very reasonable.


Not that it will change anything, but here’s my take:

Hardware: 7

Software: 6

Customer Support: 3

Quality Control and Assurance: 3

Trust: 0

Overall satisfaction: 3

So far stuck with an investment that i couldn’t turn back, but also not able nor willing to make “work” with lots of extra money anytime soon. I simply feel mislead.
No Pimax positivist isn’t going to change that anymore. Not at this point that is.
Only real actions could change it, because i want to believe so hard… I have learned, however, to give up on this sh#t here. Surely Pimax has achieved something extraordinary , although with flaws, but sadly they did not make a difference in handling backers and customers in an extraordinary positive way. But i explained my feelings far too often here. I really wish the best for this community, but being positive is something i can’t do anymore.I simply hate broken promises without a fitting solution.

Simply put:
One could have the best product in the world for a bargain price, i wouldn’t buy from them if i really don’t like the company itself. Liking a company for me is mainly TRUST. And the way they handle things.

My father (who died a few years ago) told me that if he had to borrow 25 cents back in the old days for my grandfathers company, he would return it asap, no matter if it rains or snows, just because he promised. That sort of explains, in short, how i respect and feel about promises and honesty.

Samsung let me down on something small, and simple to fix issue, after being a long term customer of them… I will never buy anything Samsung.
I am not an unreasonable person and in life i try to reason and understand people far too much (this is what others say about me), but when i feel lifted and no one is going to explain himself at me about this, my trust will slowly die. And when it dies…it will never come back.
If only one Pimax authorised person would really react to any of my posts with some form of interest in what i meant to say earlier, maybe i was not feeling how i feel now.
It’s just so simple…But it takes courage to be vulnarable,

I don’t want to spoil the party of the Pimax lovers here, never my intention. Have to say that again.

Be honest, not only in words, but also in deeds.
And i really want to repeat: The community here, is great, no matter who agrees, or not!
Thanks for being so, guys.


Hardware: 8 (housing 5, headstrap 5, VR experience 9)

Software: 6

Customer Support: 7

Quality Control and Assurance: 5

Trust: -

Overall satisfaction: 7

pimax may be a chaos company, the housing lousy, the software needs improvement, etc. But in my opinion, pimax is the only company that has brought a real VR 2.0 headset on the market. All the other headsets you can buy so far - and here I clearly include the index - are VR 1.5 for me. And with the headsets announced, it’s clear that it’s one of the few companies to drive VR innovation. It’s good that there are companies that do not just run after the mass market.

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Hardware: 8/10 - I think my 8K is great and very happy with it as a backer.

Software: 7/10 - PiTool has some cool features, but there hasn’t been a solid release yet.

Customer Support: ?/10 - Haven’t needed it, can’t comment

Quality Control and Assurance: 5/10 - No problem with mine, but other have had lots of issues it seems. Comparing amount probably sold vs. amount of complaints, I think it is pretty bad. Yes forums will always have people complaining, but I don’t remember people having so many problems when Vive was first released for example.

Trust: 4/10 - If someone you know kept breaking promises like them, you wouldn’t trust them. You kind of learn that they are too eager to please with words and you take whatever they say with a grain of salt.

(Added) Communication: -1/10 - (yes, that is negative 1) They still don’t have an official summary of Pimax Day details? They don’t have a FAQ from results of Pimax Day questions. They didn’t even contact the press about any of it.

Overall satisfaction: 7/10 - I’m happy with the actual product, but I wonder how they will survive if they don’t improve.


Hardware: 7/10

Software: 8/10

Customer Support: 4/10

Quality Control and Assurance: 5/ 10

Trust: 1/10

Overall satisfaction: 6/10


I’m necroing this thread in anticipation for Pimax Day 2 in 10hrs. I want to see if anyone changes their minds once the new announcements hits. For better or for worse.

Bleh, this should be a poll set really

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