CES 2025 - Jan 7-10 2025

Shifall have made their own Index controllers.

Linus tested Crystal @CES 2025 :

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Oh nice, didn’t bother to watch it, every what, 3 years, he tries VR? Well, I guess it is valuable in the sense that he isn‘t „spoiled“ by too much knowledge and could have a fresh approach, but I found him to be too much in love with himself to really carry on watching his channel.

Any really interesting takes, insights he came up with?

It is actually pretty decent. He also covers MeganeX and mentions their GripVR Steam controlkers.

Seb really needs to publish his 2nd visit with the new distortion profile in use. Very positive on his 2nd visit. Unfortunately it is only posted ATM in his Discord.

Below is a link to his Discord Video post

It’s crazy is they don’t get rid of those SMAS speakers already.


Why doesn’t this tread appear under ‘latest’, @Heliosurge ?? Only way I could find it was via the link you posed in that other thread.

BTW now I posted myself in the thread it DOES appear now under ‘latest’ … weird.


I often wonder what strange things are happening here. This thread has had 13 views since i started it - just 13! Yet some one posted the same article as in this thread on a new thread and it got more views. Tis wierd.

Not t sure. This forum is running Stable vs Tests-passed. Stable is slower to receive updates so likely a bug maybe. Discourse recommends Tests-passed. That is what I am using on XRtripokis one

I have found latest not as good as new and unread.

Could be that some are not spending as much time viewing th forum overall. 13 though does reflect the average here of active users. Though that number is typically smaller in terms of posters

With Pimax launching so many headsets you’d think interest would be at an all time high.


Sure but as we know OpenMR is mostly dead. So ppl are more looking in other platforms like YouTube, discord, Reddit and so on.

The forum here has had too many dead stops like the mailserver issues that prevented ppl from getting notifications. Twice iirc and was down for 2 - 3 months each time.

Over the years too much instability keeping the forum running smoothly. Prior the change from .AI to .com would have also made some think the forum was gone as it was not handled properly. I only found out after it was done

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I think the other problem for Pimax and these forums is they started life as a general purpose HMD but now they’re focused on simmers which have their own specialised forums.

When it comes to Youtube even Sadley its Bradley has given up and Thrill Seeker hardly makes videos. MRTV has gone down hill, they went to CES but forgot to post any videos from CES. Total waste of time.

HTC has given up on CES for two years running.

I think VR as a whole has gone down hill because the cost has sky rocketed for PCVR unless you’re a Oculus owner and they have their own Forum.

Strange times.

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Well the other problem is nothing overly new in VR space.

HTC well the last quite a few products hasn’t done well at all. Ever since there falling out with Valve, there products have been lackluster.

A lot of VR YouTubers don’t really have a lot to cover. So it becomes more racing over scraps to be the first to post.

I imagine @mixedrealityTV will have some more ces videos posted on his channel. Though it is easier to post on his discord for quick releases of info.

Pimax has indeed targetted simmers but things like the Super and Dream Air will help. In the all VR experiences has really dropped off to more simmer experiences. We need some real AAA games to help fix that

The Super’s frame with the idea of optic engine models is a real step forward to a modular headset framework. As to upgrade to new experience simply buy a new optical engine module. In theory they would be able to make refreshes of earlier headsets like the 8kX with new screens and new optics(maybe trim the FoV to 140)

With topic views another factor could be that an op has been muted/ignored by some and their topics do not show.

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MRTV with the Megane X. Sounds like a winner.


The thing that scares me a bit is that he says he needed to get used to the lenses. IMHO that only happens when there’s a problem with the lenses. Like you need to get used to Pimax lenses, or the VP2 lenses or XTAL lenses, that all have their specific flaws which you need to get used to. If you have well engineered lenses like in the Quest 3 or AVP, there’s no such thing, everything just is perfect the moment you put the headset on.