Can't use pimax

Screen doesn’t show anything except pimax logo in white as well as pimax name and some Chinese under the name, all in white. Nothing plays. Just that logo against a dark star lite background. Also I don’t see the Pimax control panel on my monitor. Also redish outlines on the white letters and somewhat blurry.
Please help
warmest regards,
Richard Serra

That means you’re running in Extended mode.
If you go to Display Setting, you’ll see the 2nd monitor which will be your PIMAXVR.

You need to install the Piplay software and change the mode to Pimax Mode.
Pimax Mode allows your VR Headset to be usable in SteamVR.

If you’re just interesting in looking at VR videos on youtube, then simply drag the youtube video to the 2nd screen and watch the video.

Hi! How about the Pimax mode? Pimax mode can use steam VR.

I can’t even open Pimax. I click on the icon, and nothing. I can get to the tutorial, and I’ll see that, but can’t access anything that will allow me to watch videos, or 360 3d videos etc. Now my display only shows my main monitor and doesn’t even recognize the Pimax.
Also, the tutorial shows in HD only. I can clearly see a mild screen door effect as with the Oculus.
Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software, and still nothing.
To top it all off, while going through the process of installation, my mouse pointer would disappear.
This is way to weird and disappointing.
Hope you guys can come up with a solution. At this point the unit is worthless because it’s just not responding the way it should.

Thanx rolan, but can’t see the 2nd monitor.

Need to be able to open Pimax to use these modes, and it won’t open.

Hi, please close the Oculus server in task manager first.
Or do you have skype? Our skype is
We can use the Teamview to connect your PC and help you to solve your problem.
Thank you so much!

Green light just stays on, unit isn’t recognized in the multiple display, just shows the monitor. But it does show the tracking on the monitor but unit is blank. Unit is faulty, now what?

You can try to uninstall alltogether java (all vertions) and Piplay, then reinstall Piplay, the Piplay installer comes with a stable java vertion inside.

Thanks, I did find that I had to remove Java to get the software to install. Everything installed is the way it should be. The unit simply will not turn on beyond the green light. Just totally unresponsive.

Okay, finally was able to get the unit to turn on. Don’t know what happened, but after many pop ups showing it unresponsive, somehow it started working again, at least to get to the tutorial.
That said, there is nothing else that I can watch. Is there a “dashboard” as what the tutorial is asking to use?
I see nothing that will allow me to do anything except use the tutorial.
During the tutorial, there is a vertical venetian blind effect that shows and slowly disappears, and the image is somewhat blurry.
What if anything can I do to get videos, or VR content to view on this headset. I’ve seen whereas they set it up and can view everything else other than the tutorial, and I’ve done the same process, but no luck in getting anything to show up in the headset.