Can you use your VR Headset without base stations

Hello i have now gotten my Pimax 5k + (First ordered a pimax 8k but switched to 5k +)

Now i wonder if i can use the headset without base stations and without the controllers. Since i don’t own them and are not ready to deliver until i dont know when. I hope you still get them even if you switched to 5k+ because i ordered the 8k+ with base stations and controlles.

But anyways my question is if i can use the headset without them. And if, how?

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This has been answered quite a few times already.
The headset has a build in tracking, but it allows only 3 degrees of freedom.

And you can play sitdown games with a gamepad or even with mouse+kb.


Okay, sorry i looked up but coudln’t find the much about it. Also is it normal that you dont get screen on the headset it stays grey/white even when starting up a game.

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You can find one of the discussions here:

Although it’s not really a guide, dunno if there is one.

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No problems.
I don’t know about that issue, I haven’t got the headset yet. Well it doesnt sound like a normal behavior to be honest.

Has the Pitool find your headset? Turn off the basestation tracking in Pitool.
Reboot your system, make sure your steamvr is not a beta build (known to cause problems)

Thats all that comes to mind.

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Thanks, now the only thing am missing is sound oof

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Select the correct audio device in windows


You can get you a wireless or wired Xbox controller for now until you get some Vive base stations and controllers or the Pimax base stations and controllers when they become available. you can play many games with the Xbox controller for now.


Or just ps4 controller xd thanks

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Well Im not sure about the PS3 or PS4 controller. The Xbox controller is of course Microsoft so Windows recognizes it. Not too sure if a Sony controller would be recognized without some drivers and/or additional software. Then Steam would need to be able to work with it too. , maybe someone can chime in about this?

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I think there was some hack to get it working and detected as xbox controller

Edit. It won’t probably be detected as an xbox controller, but something else like generic Directinput controller, which wouldnt be supported by a lot of games. Maybe.

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In the Banner click on 5k 8k directory. There is a getting started wiki post there.

Look for option to turn off light house tracking go through setup.

Hook up your headphones in the jack or use your wireless ones. Right click speaker & choose usb audio (if using headset jack)

Steam has options for ps4 at least (wired)


Oh, you’re right Helio, I just tested and it works! (wired atleast) Without any hackery!
Learn something new every day.

Device manager shows “Wireless controller” Manufacturer (Generic USB Audio) :grin:

In steam maybe bigscreen there are options ti allow controller mapping I think for non steam controllers.

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