When you are trying to break boundaries, you are bound to fail along the way. When you build prototype, you will have setback along the way. If anything, I think Pimax is probably too transparent. Some of you think that kickstarter is a retail store. I work on new technology everyday. Before we bring the product to our consumer, we go through these rollercoaster. This is normal part of the development cycle. There is the thing you know, you don’t now and then there is the thing you don’t know you don’t know… There is always a discovery process along the way.
Being mad at Pimax brings nothing to the conversation. They are a small companies. They don’t have the resources of Facebook or HTC. They went to the CES to meet industry expert because it’s probably the only occasion during the year they can. They probably knew about all the issue before going to the show. They probably just wanted to see iothers had the same experience. when you invest in a kickstarter, you have to consider the money you invest as a lost. If you get something out of it, you are already a winner.
YEs, yes and yes to all, except our money isn’t lost, because pimax already delivered a HDM, based on that they will also deliver this one i believe 15000%
But before they can, they need to work on the issues that always comes with new setups, and fine tune stuff.
And most of all they need our patience and faith to encourage them that we believe in their works.
SO act a little less like animals and more like empathic humans heh? We not gonna allow 500-1000$ or more to lose our dignity…well i’m not gonna…and in the end when you do get your HDM, if all this made you bitter, then sell it…I’m sure lots of people sad to not be able to be in the kickstarter and will buy it asap from you once you have yours.
Everyone know who put together pc…sometimes you have trouble with some components even though you build 500x pc , sometimes you got that one, that seems weird and react a bit different, and then you go on troubleshooting to figure out what is causing the reboot problem or no reboot at all etc.
i remember for example i once used my dvd drive to install windows on a new pc using my dvd drive…the new mobo etc didn’t accept this dvd drive at all…it did not get recognized…but my other pc did recognized it…so i knew it was not broken…NOW you explain to me how the Fck this can happen…sometimes things don’t work together for some odd reason and you need to find another way to work around it. In the end i had to buy a extra dvd drive for the new install.
and i build many pc in my life…sometimes strange things happen with tech…i’m sure everyone has some sort of these stories or malfunctions…it almost like some things have their own character…and they work only if you know the little quirks of the character
So will you plan to go CES with random dvd without test after that story? Looks like Pimax did.
Here is our brand new prototype, no one did test it, or at least someone we don’t sure, probably we can use it because it’s the only version we have, good luck on CES gogogo.
EXACTLY “how the Fck this can happen” ?
And yet I think that with all the things that are going right now, PIMAX can adapt and proceed to become a better company no matter what, because now they know what is like to promisse wine, while we paid for the grapes.
although i’m not that worry on the ‘deadline’, most of us agreed that we want the best possible product despite the anxious needs to put our hands on the device and do what you always wanted to do it in VR.
With that said, i think that some here fell the ‘pain’ with the news right were it hurts - in our pockets
But keep in mind that even HTC or Oculus (A Facebook company), with barely unlimited resources, couldnt yet deliver a product such ambicious that PIMAX are propousing.
So, we can watch all behinds the scenes, but we need some ‘‘attention’’ with the latest news. Its the minimum that we want.
From time to time, its hard to follow all the forum responses and keep it up with the latests news.
Maybe PIMAX do a blog with periodical posts, like twice a month updates, can help handle the amount of info that most of us need and want to follow up and avoid this kind of conflicts on the forum
Weel, most of luck in your progress and looking for the future.
ps.: @mirq , stop the hate already. vrchat is no de way to go lol
You are correct. There is some people with bias view who wants nothing but Pimax to fail solely base on the reason they are an oculus/vive owner or they don’t like the 8K nomenclature. Small companies like Pimax is essential for the growth of VR. It will push the boundary of the big player to do the same.