Can we still add to our pledges or is it too late?

Ive been considering adding basestations and controllers to my pledge. I don’t see the way to add anything to the pledge via Kickstarter, so I figured that when the kickstarter ended, so did your chance to change anything.
Is this true?

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I believe at last update would need. To wait til ks orders full filled & available.

It was said previously that they will open the ‘store’ for backers to add to their orders but have not seen anything regarding that since it was 1st brought up. I know I would like to add the hand tracking module to my order as well. Not to mention a 5k+ headset to go along with my 8k…but a whole new hmd is probably a different deal vs accessories.


I have previously contacted pimax twice.
Once about adding to my pledge & again about swapping an accesorry on my pledge.
The response both times has been “sorry for your inconvenience,8k Kickstarter campaign was closed. You cannot change your pledge any more. We specially make a pre-order campaign for some friends who missed the Kickstarter campaign before. Please stay tuned with us at
Have a nice day”
I understand why as it would be a nightmare for them if they let everybody start changing things.
Also I very much doubt they will allow headsets to be added to pledges as essentially it will start pushing backer numbers up making later backers wait longer.


I would hope Pimax will allow us to add a base station, for those of us who went with 1 base station based on the KS information. This assumes by the time the final shipping survey they have not resolved the setup issue, of course.
Also since hardware is final, is 1 base station 360 working?
Will the base stations be ready when shipping starts?


Seems like adding a headset might be too much, but I would think accessories wouldn’t be too much of a problem…
After all, a 100 credit to backers who switch to 5k wouldn’t go very far, but if they could use that 100 toward 300$ worth of accessories, and pay 200 instead would be a gracious offer…

October I beleive might have beem mentioned.