Can we PLEASE get a Status update on the 8K+ and 8KX?

Pimax if you plan on missing the original ship date.

Update your customers, this is basic communication 101.

You’ve just got positive press from VR Days. Don’t screw it up.

People tend to be more angry if you just spring up bad news at the very last minute which seems to be the same thing Pimax is going to do after promising not to in their newsletter.

The year is about to end. No word on whether anything regarding the shipping of the 8K+ or 8KX in Pimax Day 2 will come true.


I also hope for this. Look at the Game Star Citizen, all the money and nothing to show for it.

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I agree, transparency is key to not upset your customers when you have bad news.

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I think Pimax doesn’t want to answer because they probably know both headsets will be delayed by another 6 months or so. I’m a patient person and I would rather know that and wait 6 months than not know anything.


I think taking the full funds at time of order doesn’t help people wait patiently. I really do hope we are not looking at long delay with the + and x. The feedback from Vr days is very positive pimax should take full advantage of that and capitalise on orders.


Well, the 8K+ is supposed to start shipping within the coming 2 weeks, so I guess it‘s a fair question.

I do hope they take their time to iron out the issues with the cable, etc. before rushing the shipments.

@SweViver: please convince Robin to communicate any delays swiftly because that will help avoid unnecessary excitement in the backer & customer space. The current expectation from many will still be the dates stated in the Pimax Day 1&2 broadcasts.


let me give a example of “good” PR/marketing

!!! hypothetical from here and has nothing to do with pimax IRL!!!

you see you can’t hold shipping date for end of Nov., you can tell people that you have promising samples of new lenses and need a little more time to try them and make new distortion profiles, by end of Jan. you are ready with your product as it was planned for end Nov. and now you can happily tell people that the product is shipping NOW (have tracking numbers ready to hand out) and yeah sorry the lenses did not turn out to be as good as the samples promised but you will have your product within 1 or two weeks (you don’t have to - just send out a few 100 units by air fright to reach some “key” customers and the remaining 95% can go by ship taking 4 weeks)

THATS a much better PR/marketing and it will result in less unsatisfied customers, they will be happy to wait and later they will be happy to receive the product - win/win, and it even did not cost you anything

and if we think about that a little longer as 10 minutes we could come up with even a much better PR scheme than this


Pimaxusa said he’ll come up with the updated shipping dates on Monday. Maybe and hopefully.
Was it just concerning the basestations+controllers don’t remember, hopefully says something about the other stuff as well.


Pimax seems to create problems for themselves. They would have a lot less than 2000 support tickets to go through if they had referred people to a FAQ on their website. Even just saying “It will be announced on Monday” in the FAQ would be helpful.


Here’s the thing. The announcement for the delay of the headsets might get delayed causing even more anger.


Like always :joy:

I sure hope so because what You’re proposing doesn’t sound like a good PR scheme… :grin:

What about not lying and just telling people what You’re working on and why You’re likely to be delayed?

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The 8K+ will start to ship this month for sure, thats what Ive heard yesterday. At least the first batch. Regarding 8KX, I have not heard about any delay yet, and as long as the final cable is OK and confirmed after testing, (its supposed to be finished at the factory within two weeks) then we should be on time.


Just like that ^^^^^^




Pimax should not forget 5K+.

I strongly suggest

5K+ 120 hz basic edition
5K+ 120 hz 2020 edition (with comfort kit and MAS)

summing up all the improvements YOU HAVE IT:

Why people would like to pay 1300$ ?
Watch this 5K+ 120 hz video inside lenses!


Thank you Martin that’s great. VR days looked a huge success. Any more footage? :+1::grinning:



If True I’ll sub to your patreon!

Also forgot to add @SweViver please continue doing awesome coverage whereever the roadshow goaes.


Your efforts are appreciated, must be tiring for the team on the stand all day. Make sure Pimax feed all of you! :shallow_pan_of_food: :beer: :+1:


So you show 120Hz mode in a 30fps video…? Nice.



Cinematic 30 FPS is the best way to watch videos.